Luke 9:10-17 – Hungry?

Read Luke 9:10-17

Never underestimate the power of God! Period.

I’ve loved this story since I was a child. It may be my first memory of Sunday School. Remember the felt boards? If you’re scratching your head, it was a great way to tell Bible stories. Felt boards, Bible characters, other cutout props for each story. Felt animation!

I can see it playing out, can’t you? The disciples are just back from their mission. You may recall just a few verses before Jesus had sent them out with NOTHING to teach about the Kingdom of God and to heal. Imagine the stories they came back with, eager to share with Jesus their wins! Actually, that would be God’s doing, they were just there. Continue reading “Luke 9:10-17 – Hungry?”

Luke 9:7-9 – Who’s That?

Read Luke 9:7-9

This is a short reading today. It almost feels like a commercial break or something between two big stories. Perhaps a scene change diversion of sorts. A turning point. There is significance here that we really shouldn’t miss.

Herod Antipas is a son of the Herod ruling when Jesus was born. You will recall that Herod wanted to kill Jesus, the baby born “king of the Jews”. The new king (Jesus) would be a threat to his own rule. Continue reading “Luke 9:7-9 – Who’s That?”

Luke 9:1-6 – Go!

Read Luke 9:1-6

This was quite a moment for the disciples. Jesus’ command required them to be bold, both in their witness and their faith.

When we get ready for a trip, or even a day’s outing, we prepare with packing, having enough money, maybe taking a jacket, snacks, etc. Can you imagine leaving the house for a mission with nothing?

The difference? Jesus’ power. When he called them together, it says he gave them power and authority. Their mission was to tell everyone about the kingdom of God and to  heal the sick. We’ve been given a similar mission, have we not?

So how are you doing in your mission for Jesus? How many people have you exposed to his loving promise this week? How are you helping to further the kingdom? God’s grace is for everyone, but not everyone knows that yet!

Maybe you need a little nudge. This will be a good reminder that you also have the power of God at your disposal. He is encouraging you and providing the guidance you’ll need. Our problem is us. We think we need to be Bible scholars, or have  some amazing conversion story. Am I right? Is that what’s holding you back?

What did the disciples have? Only the power of Jesus. We have that and more. We have our stories of how Jesus  has transformed our lives. A true “before and after”. In marketing, we talk about our life before the product, and of course how much better things are after using it. Not that Jesus is a “product”, but he is “everything” we need to live a transformed life.

Jesus gives the instruction to stay where you are welcomed. And should you not be welcomed – no worries! Jesus said, “And if a town refuses to welcome you, shake its dust from your feet as you leave to show that you have abandoned those people to their fate.”

In ministry, there were times, and I’m sure there will be more, when I have felt less than welcome in a community. I can remember one instance when I told our daughter, Sarah, “we just have to shake its dust from our feet!” In other words, walk away and forget, don’t dwell on it. Easier said than done.

You’ve probably heard the old saying, “You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink.” Sometimes I have adopted this into my own ministry and now business. While I know that Jesus is the way, and I’m looking for all sorts of ways to make that known, some folks just won’t get it. I’ve planted the seed. Maybe I’ll get the opportunity to water it. For sure, I’m praying for those to come along that will water it until it blooms.

Take a moment to thank God for the power he has given you.

Let’s pray. Father God, you have given me a task to spread the Good News to others. Please use this devotional and the testimony of my life to speak to others, creating a curiosity to know you. May my own walk with you only go deeper as I yearn to know you better and walk in your way for me. Help me not to let the nay-sayers or those who ignore me bother me.  I am trusting in you today to bring about a miracle. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


Luke 8:40-56 – Just Sleeping

Read Luke 8:40-56

Jesus is at it again, teaching and healing. Oh, to have been in his circle of close followers to see all of these things up close and personal. Do you ever wonder what was going through their minds? Did they ever imagine in their wildest dreams they would be part of Biblical history?

Here we see a day in the life of Jesus, and now he’s back on the Jewish side of the lake. People had been waiting for him. Particularly two people, the woman who was bleeding and Jairus. They didn’t waste any time in pleading their case, each in a different manner, each with a different need. Continue reading “Luke 8:40-56 – Just Sleeping”

Luke 8:26-39 – A Pig Story

Read Luke 8:26-39

There are a lot of miracle stories we could lump together, but some deserve their own time of reflection. Like today’s story. When you put yourself there in the story, didn’t your heart race a little bit when you stood in awe and amazement at what was unfolding before your eyes?

Mine did to see a demon possessed man transformed back into health and vitality while a whole herd of pigs became possessed and killed themselves. That is not an everyday kind of occurrence, then or now. Wow! So what the man must have been experiencing? To be in chains from the life demons led must have been torture, and to be set free of those chains? Like a dream, answered prayer. Continue reading “Luke 8:26-39 – A Pig Story”


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