Read 1 Chronicles 5:1-26
Is it helpful to recognize the flaws in God’s people? Perhaps it makes us feel better when we fall short. This reading is more than genealogies because we see examples of how God deals with those who fall into the temptation of sin. For Reuben, he lost his birthright. The tribes who bowed down to other gods were taken away into captivity.
We were also given insight into ways God rewards those who trust him. While I am not a fan of war, it is always refreshing to see leaders trusting God in those times. What sorts of conflicts are going on in your life that God can help you with?
When we have battles to face in life, we can charge into them on our own power or choose God. To be honest, I have done it both ways and can attest to how much better it is to have God’s approval and assistance. Maybe you’re wondering, how do I do it? Follow the example we have here. “They cried out to God during the battle, and he answered their prayer because they trusted in him.” It starts with trusting God, and the next step is to ask for help.
We should never underestimate the enemy or our own sinful tendencies. We may think we can handle our struggles on our own. We may think God is too busy to bother with our problems. Or worst yet, we simply forge on without even thinking about how much God could help us. Again, I speak from experience here, realizing I am not alone. Even when we “know better,” it’s sometimes easy to forget about God.
We aren’t perfect. We don’t always get it right. We sometimes leave the best solution untapped because we don’t seek God’s counsel or direction. Let that reality sink in for just a moment as you reflect on a time in your life when you should have asked God for help.
The Chronicler is setting the stage for the story about to unfold. He wanted us to know the generations of people who lived and died before his story begins. The twelve tribes of Israel were God’s answered prayer to Abraham. Remember how God promised him his descendants would be more numerous than the stars. The Chronicler is doing his best to illustrate that for us.
When we put all the pieces together, it’s easier to see the whole picture. When is the last time you put a puzzle together without looking at the box first to see what the picture was. Likewise, it’s good for us to remember how God’s story begins and leads into the future. We are part of that story.
Think about what would be written about you and your faithfulness. Are you putting your trust in God and seeing his hand on your life?

Let’s pray. Lord, forgive me for my imperfections. I know you love me no matter what, but I want please you in all I say and do. I am honored to be a living part of your story and look forward to how you will use me and my life for your purposes. Forgive me for those times when I venture out on my own power. Your power is so much better than I could ever imagine. Continue to empower me and equip me for each new day. In Jesus’ name. Amen.