Advent 🎁 2 Corinthians 8:9 – Grace

Jesus depicted looking up into the sky

I thought we’d take a little diversion from our genealogies in 1 Chronicles to focus on the coming of Jesus. We are in the season of Advent for a few more days, and then it will be Christmas once again. We’ll look at some Bible passages, including prophecies that speak of Jesus.

Advent is the time of year some churches dedicate for preparing for Jesus’ coming–both of them! The Bible tells us about Jesus’ first coming as a wee baby, so humble and mild. Jesus himself also promised that he would come again and return for us. So Advent is not only a preparation for Christmas but a reminder to be ready for Jesus’ return.

To help us direct our thoughts heavenward, we’ll start with a reading from the apostle Paul. This observation should humble our hearts as we acknowledge what Jesus has done for us.

2 Corinthians 8:9 reads:

You know the generous grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Though he was rich,
yet for your sakes he became poor, so that by his poverty he could make you rich.

The Lord’s generous grace, indeed! It’s hard to fathom all that God gave up to send his son into this dark, dreary world. Jesus was rich, adorned with the garb of heaven. And then, because he loved us, he stripped himself of the grandeur of his divinity to live as a poor man. Reconciling that truth can be hard when we aren’t feeling especially worthy. But in our weakness, God always shows up.

This verse comforts us that God chose to make this sacrifice for us. He wants the best for us. His grace is the perfect solution for our sinful lives. We don’t have to do anything to work for that grace either. That way, grace is an underserved gift, making it even more of a miracle. How do you respond to such a gift?

Lots of presents are being purchased these days of Advent as we prepare to celebrate Jesus’ birth and incarnation. I’m still looking for that perfect gift for a couple special people in my life. I don’t think there is any gift more precious than the one we’ve been given in Jesus. God knew exactly what we needed and wanted.

We need Jesus’ saving grace because of our tendency to sin. We want a friend we can always count on. Jesus fulfills both. What are some of the things you are hoping for this Christmas?

Remember that Christmas isn’t joyful for everyone. There are many people struggling with finances, and Christmas is just another reminder of the lack of funds. Others are separated from loved ones due for one reason or another. As a missionary, I am getting to know the sadness that comes from being apart from those you want to make memories with.

Jesus came for us all, no matter how we are feeling. When he comes again, will you be ready? I heard author and pastor Max Lucado recently tell a story about a sermon he preached called, “Perhaps Today.” It speaks to the expectant heart we should have for Jesus’ return. None of know when that will be. But we should be ready in case it’s “perhaps today.”

Reflect today on what receiving God’s grace means to you.

Let’s pray.

Father God, thank you for the gift of grace and for sending your son to deliver it. Forgive me for not always receiving your amazing grace with outstretched arms. It’s so hard for me to fathom how much you love me and how you could leave your riches behind–for me. Thank you for that. In response, I just want to sing your praises. Give me the boldness I need to step out and share you with the world. Use my gifts to draw others to you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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