Ruth 2:14-23 – The Family Redeemer

Read Ruth 2:14-23

Ruth had certainly found a wonderful place to be included. Boaz had apparently taken an interest in her having realized who she was. Ruth didn’t know the connection, and her willingness to work hard and be grateful was very pleasing to Boaz I’m sure.  This working relationship appears to have continued beyond this first day to include a whole harvest season. That would be good news for Naomi and Ruth.

Have you ever found yourself in a new situation? Perhaps you have felt unsure of yourself at some time in your life. I think of my first day on a new job. Everything is new. There is so much to learn, people to meet. There is a rush of excitement, too, at the chance for a new beginning. Think back to a time when everything was new and different. You may even remember a little fear thrown in. Fear of the unknown can often cripple us. Continue reading “Ruth 2:14-23 – The Family Redeemer”

Ruth 1:6-18 – My God

Read Ruth 1:6-18

Our story unfolds a bit more today. What did we learn about Ruth today? She is devoted, and she loves deeply. Ruth didn’t want Naomi, her mother-in-law to go back to Judah alone. Ruth wasn’t thinking about her own needs or own future. She was being selfless and wanted to support Naomi. Afterall, Naomi had lost a husband and two sons and was all alone in the world.

To have a character like Ruth, to be more concerned about helping others before helping yourself sounds like something I’d like to aspire to. How about you? I know for our business, I tend to be more focused on helping others, sometimes forgetting my own needs. God looks at our hearts. He knows our desires. Continue reading “Ruth 1:6-18 – My God”

Ruth 1:1-5 – Plans Change

Read Ruth 1:1-5

There is a lot of information in these few short verses. We have been introduced to Ruth, but her character has yet to unfold. What we do have is a backdrop to Ruth’s story. The setting is before kings reigned, sometime during the time of the Judges. Ruth is a Moabite woman who married Mahlon, a man from Bethlehem. Mahlon had moved to and settled in Moab, an area about 40 miles from his home, to escape the famine in his land. Ruth’s husband has now died, and she finds herself a widow.

Ruth’s world has turned upside down. All of her plans have come to a screeching halt. Now what? What will she do now? Have you ever been at a crossroads like this? How did you respond? Continue reading “Ruth 1:1-5 – Plans Change”

1 Peter 2:1-12 – Living Stones

Read 1 Peter 2:1-12

We are living stones. That is an image not on my radar. I may be living and breathing, seeing and smelling– but as a stone? Not so much. But when you play out the metaphor here, with Jesus being the cornerstone, I’m thrilled to be a living stone.

We’ve all seen buildings with a prominent cornerstone. It will often have the year engraved.  Wikipedia defines “cornerstone” (or foundation stone or setting stone) to be “the first stone set in the construction of a masonry foundation, important since all other stones will be set in reference to this stone, thus determining the position of the entire structure.” Now think about how this impacts us when we think of Jesus as the chief cornerstone. (Ephesians 2:19-22). Continue reading “1 Peter 2:1-12 – Living Stones”

1 Peter 1:8-12 – Sweet Salvation

Read 1 Peter 1:8-12

The wind blows yet we do not see the wind. We do see how it affects what it touches. Leaves rustle gently and silky water churns into waves. We all know the wind. How about God? We love him yet we have not seen him. Are we holding back? Do we know God and trust him completely even though we have not seen him?

We have seen God reflected in everyday things. Like seeing the wind, we know God is near because of his creation. God’s thoughtfulness in bringing the whole world into existence is mind-boggling. The intricacy, beauty, complexity, and mystery can only suggest an omnipotent creator. Knowing God then should bring joy at the thought that he created us, too! And, we know (or should know) that the outcome for trusting God is salvation! Continue reading “1 Peter 1:8-12 – Sweet Salvation”


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