1 Peter 4:12-19 – Doom and Bloom

Read 1 Peter 4:12-19

I assume Peter is talking about Jesus’ glorious return and our everlasting life with him when he describes, “seeing his glory when it is revealed to all the world.” But I got a little glimpse of that “glory” this week. Anytime we see God move in our midst or help us in our struggles, we get a peek into the glory of God.

We know the joy that bubbles up inside us when we see God’s hand at work in our lives or community. Peter encourages us to persevere despite the unpleasant situations we face in life. It really resonated with me in a fresh way when I read Peter’s words, “for these trials make you partners with Christ in his suffering.” Take a moment to let that truth sink in. Partners with Christ. Partners.

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1 Peter 4:1-6 – When Suffering is Better

Read 1 Peter 4:1-6

None of us looks forward to suffering. However, when we suffer on account of our faith in Christ, it is so much better than the alternative of being lost in our sin. Our suffering will not last forever, but our future with Christ never ends. If we chose to stay stuck in our sin, carousing with our friends like we used to, we would miss out on the great inheritance Jesus is preparing for us.

When we live for God, Peter tells us we’ll need to expect suffering, just like Jesus did. This isn’t the only passage in the Bible that warns us about suffering and staying strong. I appreciate that we are told up front what to expect. Nobody can claim to be surprised when we encounter suffering.

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1 Peter 3:8-12 – Good Behavior

Read 1 Peter 3:8-12

This reading applies to everyone who calls themselves Christian. The behavior Peter describes is all very basic, yet we still stumble and need the reminder. It’s also affirming to see behaviors on the list we can recognize and feel good about, knowing we’re already acting in those ways. Imagine wearing a crown because you are a son or daughter to a king – is your behavior fit for a child of a king? King Jesus that is!

Of course, there are times when evil desires or influences can overtake our good intentions. We know we’re not immune to evil just because we’re followers of Christ. Even Jesus himself encountered the crafty evil one on more than one occasion! We need to stay strong like Jesus did to resist the devil. I think of James 4:7, “So humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”

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1 Peter 2:11-12 – Aliens

Read 1 Peter 2:11-12

When you hear the word “alien” what picture goes through your mind? A small green creature with an enormous head and bulgy black eyes perhaps? How about you look in the mirror! We are the aliens of this world because we don’t belong here; we’re just passing through. What a revelation!

Many people fail to realize this phenomenon is true for followers of Christ. There is so much more waiting for us beyond what we can see in this moment. We belong to Jesus’ kingdom. That’s why Peter felt it necessary to warn us. “I warn you as “temporary residents and foreigners” to keep away from worldly desires that wage war against your very souls.” How exactly are we supposed to do that?

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James 4:17 – Sinning

Read James 4:17

This will be your shortest reading ever! But it was a verse that packed a powerful punch, and it didn’t seem to fit with what came before or after. I chose to reflect on this single verse on its own. Here it is again from the NLT translation:

“Remember, it is sin to know what you ought to do
and then not do it.”

James’ audience would know about sin. Those Jewish believers would even have flashbacks to following the law of Moses and all the sacrifices they now didn’t make. But what James is talking about here is not being sinful by breaking a law you should know better than to break, but to not do good when doing good is the right answer. Does that make sense?

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