James 5:19-20 – Are You Wandering?

Read James 5:19-20

James has an interesting way of bringing this letter to a close. There’s no “see you soon” or “have a nice life” kind of ending. This letter has been full of content from the start. Certainly, James’ parting thoughts have been full of wisdom. And his devotion to his readers by calling them “dear brothers and sisters” concludes what has been a recurring theme. James is not a stranger to his audience.

In these two short verses, we see James’ version of searching after the lost. Matthew’s gospel reveals a series of stories about lost items. Jesus used those parables to emphasize the importance of not leaving anybody behind. Or, as Paul puts it, God “wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth.” (1 Timothy 2:4)

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James 2:14-26 – Living Out Your Faith

Read James 2:14-26

James introduces this section by suggesting a problem he must have observed. “What good is it, dear brothers and sisters, if you say you have faith but don’t show it by your actions?” Certainly we’d all agree that faith should show itself through deeds of loving service.

In a recent Bible study discussion, I marveled at my pastor husband, David’s comment about this text. He posed an interesting scenario of observing a discussion about faith between our author here, James, and the apostle Paul. We’d see two very faithful men with two very different perspectives. Is that a bad thing? After all, the gospels all talk about Jesus’ life and ministry from different viewpoints. When it comes to understanding our faith, these differences can be confusing.

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Joel 2:28-32 – Holy Spirit Power

Read Joel 2:28-32

Did you recognize these words from Peter’s first sermon on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2? Peter was bold that day because of the Holy’s spirit’s power he was tapping into. He proclaimed that what the people were seeing was a fulfillment of this very prophecy of Joel. It has been suggested that Pentecost was only the beginning of the “age of fulfillment” of this prophecy.

What spoke to me the loudest was that God promised us the Holy Spirit through his prophet, Joel, all those years before Jesus walked the earth. Jesus helped us understand what that promise meant. When you feel the Holy Spirit’s power coursing through your body, it’s a sensation that is hard to describe. What an honor to receive such a gift from God!

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Hebrews 2:5-9 – Why the Cross?

Read Hebrews 2:5-9

The Preacher shifts our thinking here about Jesus. While Jesus is still all the wonderful things he was lauded for in the first chapter, we see how Jesus’ humanity stripped him of the full expression of that momentarily. Some people will ask, if Jesus was God, why did he let himself be killed? Others may say, how can God die?

Why the cross? That seems like the next question. Such a brutal way to die.“[B]ecause he suffered death for us, he is now ‘crowned with glory and honor.’ Yes, by God’s grace, Jesus tasted death for everyone.” Jesus has gone before us. He not only experienced what it was like to live as a human, but also to die as one. Yet when Jesus died, he conquered death!

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Hebrews 1:5-14 – What About the Angels?

Read Hebrews 1:5-14

Have you ever seen an angel? I used to love the show, “Touched by an Angel.” “Highway to Heaven” was another favorite back in the day. Those are just cheesy television, but the message was always uplifting, a “feel good” kind of show. But my picture of angels has been influenced by those kinds of examples. We uncover a lot more of the mystery surrounding angels in this reading.

Here, the writer is quick to distinguish a hierarchy between angels and God’s Son, Jesus Christ. The focus on Christ’s superiority continues. Words like throne and justice are powerful and signify importance. Jesus is Lord, creator, and God. God himself calls Jesus out as God, “Therefore, O God, your God has anointed you,” There is nobody greater than Jesus. Angels may have an audience with God, but their authority and power is not equal to Jesus.

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