1 Peter 5:5-11 – Blessings Abound

Read 1 Peter 5:5-11

This passage really spoke to me today as a leader. There is so much hope here to keep us going full of encouragement. We need to be humble leaders, not proud and arrogant. God has gifted us to lead, so we should lead, not be interested in all the attention.

I know for me personally, I am uncomfortable when somebody compliments me. I need to get better at accepting kind words while still honoring God with my humility. For me, it’s a hard distinction. I’m sure I’m not alone. Continue reading “1 Peter 5:5-11 – Blessings Abound”

Acts 27:13-26 – Stormy Seas

Read Acts 27:13-16

We have all had “I told you so”  moments in our lives. I’m sure one, in particular, sped through your mind as you read today’s reading. I know one did for me. However, Paul’s message was not to condemn but to comfort. Again, Paul’s integrity and leadership shine through the darkness of the moment.

When we are going through the storms of life, it is sometimes hard to focus on anything good. When we are lost in the moment of despair, there is nothing anyone can say that is going to lift us up. I wonder how it was for Paul’s shipmates. They had been frantically doing things to keep themselves safe–as if they had control.  Continue reading “Acts 27:13-26 – Stormy Seas”

Zephaniah 1:14-2:3 – But Wait!

Read Zephaniah 1:14-2:3

The job of a prophet is very difficult. When the message from the Lord is doom and gloom, a prophet is not a very popular person. It is easy for his/her audience to want to turn away. Who wants to hear they are going to be destroyed?

These words have been fulfilled, at least once. Beyond that, they are words of caution for us. The great fulfillment is yet to be, that which we are all waiting for, the return of Christ.   God’s words, spoken through the prophet, are to be taken seriously. While it is uncomfortable to imagine the day of the Lord’s coming to be “terrible”, it will be for those who are lost and not in Christ.  

Did you notice how the end of today’s reading gives hope? The prophet was also able to assure the people by giving them a way out. The Lord WILL protect those who are following him. Therefore, we have a choice. God declares we must “gather together”and “seek the Lord.” We need to follow and obey. And, we need to do it now. 

The destruction will come, and the terribleness of it should cause everyone to turn from their evil ways. Herein lies the problem. Our society chooses not to listen, just as the people who originally heard these words. Today, people turn away and go about their merry way thinking they are immune, that they will not have to answer to their actions.

So what does humility look like in your life? Have you humbled yourself before God? The Message paraphrase says, to shape up, You’re a nation without a clue about what it wants.” What do we want? Do we want destruction or safety?

We know what to do to “perhaps” be safe from God’s wrath. I found that interesting. I looked in a couple other translations, and they all used the “perhaps” language. The chance of being rescued from destruction is much greater for those of us who obey and follow God, gather and pray together.

Let’s pray. Father God, I thank you for your saving grace. I want my life to be one of obedience and trust. Help me to be a shining light to help others see you and and want to know you. In this fallen world, there is already so much evil, hatred, and destruction. Help us all to know that you are the answer and that you provide the shelter from any storm. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Mark 4:26-34 – Kingdom of God

Read Mark 4:26-34

The Kingdom of God. It’s something we’ve heard about, but do we understand it? If we apply what we know about kingdoms on earth, we aren’t going to begin to fathom the immensity. It’s a good start. Royalty. Crowns. Pomp and circumstance.

To help us understand, Jesus has given us a couple parables here. I’ve read them through several times, and I’m still a little fuzzy on what Jesus is telling us. Based on a previous reading in Mark, maybe I just need to listen more so that understanding will come.

What we should take away is that the Kingdom of God is a mystery. It grows independent of any human effort. We can’t be part of the kingdom by our actions. At harvest time, the farmer (God) will come and make his judgment over his crops (us). The harvest is a result of both gift and miracle, God’s work in us, not our work.

Do you feel God reigning in your heart? Are you growing in your relationship with God? It may be hard for us to see the growth, but God does. As we grow, we look around to help see that others are growing. We preach, teach, serve, and support each other. We should never stop growing or think we can’t grow any more.

We need to place our hope in the kingdom of God. The things of earth will pass away. What started from something small become something mighty. Three of the four gospels share the mustard seed parable. It is that important. Whether it becomes a shrub or a tree is irrelevant.

The kingdom of God is there to give us hope and encouragement. It is a refuge, a place for us all. While we may feel like our faith is small today, with nourishment and growth, we will grow into strong, fearless leaders and servants.

Let’s pray. Lord we thank you for these words that teach of your Kingdom. I thank you for the hope you promise. There is nothing I can do to earn the keys to your kingdom. I pray that you are preparing a place for me even now to be party of this sanctuary. Open the doors for me to teach and serve others. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Hosea 2:2-23 – Sin, Judge, Restore

Read Hosea 2:2-23

The comparison or relationship between the identity of Gomer and Israel continues. I really struggled with this passage and what it might be saying to me today. There was so much emphasis on the bad things being done against Gomer/Israel. Very harsh, didn’t you think?

Here are a few examples: left to die of thirst, strip naked in public, etc. It would be easy to feel sorry for Gomer/Israel, but what we’re seeing is a husband distraught with hurt and pain. Israel has turned away, and the good things provided are being sacrificed to a non-existent God. Do we do the same thing today? Do we waste the precious gifts God has given us?

After judgment and discipline we see hope revealed toward the end of the passage. We need not feel abandoned. God may allow us to struggle but only for a teachable moment. He is there all the time, cheering us on, waiting for us to return to him. He longs for us to say, “YOU ARE MY GOD”! Our only hope is in the Lord!

God’s love for Israel (and for us) is never-ending. He can’t stay mad forever, his love is too strong. But the punishment is necessary lest a lesson not be learned. It is at the end of this chapter that Hosea’s children are renamed to be their positive counterpart.

We have a choice who we spend time with. Do you long to spend time with God? If your devotion time is in the morning, do your bed sheets often win one more snooze. Did you stay up too late last night and want just 10 more minutes? That’s 10 minutes you just cheated God. I know I’ve done it, and the truth stings. 

We have a choice and should be more mindful of who we spend time with, what we make a priority in our lives.  Wake up!  God is waiting for us!

Let’s pray. Lord, forgive me when my attention is not fully on you. I know those are times I struggle with weakness and uncertainty. Help me to stay focused on you and invite you into each conversation, decision, and event in my day. I don’t want to be disobedient like the wife in today’s story. I choose you, God, to be ruler of my life. I trust you for my salvation and know that this is the right choice. Thank you for the reminders and the disciplines you provide to keep me on track. Lord bless those who don’t yet make you a priority. I pray for them to see and know that you are the truth, the way and the life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


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