Galatians 5:16-26 đź’ś When the Spirit Takes Control

Read Galatians 5:16-26

Fruit of the Spirit displayed in a tree with various fruit all named, entitled "This Fruit is Always in Season"

I couldn’t help but picture a little devil and a little angel sitting on my shoulder, like the familiar meme. Especially when I read, “these two forces are constantly fighting each other.” It’s true. We are constantly fighting the battle of sin in our lives. Evil can often disguise itself as good, or we can try to explain away our sinfulness.

I hope you’re happy, too, to know that we have a helper in the Holy Spirit. We can be assured that when follow the Holy Spirit’s leading in our life, we will be less likely to stumble into the traps of the evil one.

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Acts 2:1-47 đź’™ The Church Was Born

Read Acts 2:1-47

Pentecost celebration of church, people, with a dove

To have been in Jerusalem that day when Jesus’ promise was first fulfilled would have been glorious! Albeit a little frightening, I’m sure, for those who didn’t understand what was happening. “They were completely amazed. “How can this be?” they exclaimed.” As soon as the realization hit the disciples, that they were witnessing what Jesus had described to them in our last reading, they were in awe.

Peter was so moved he started preaching! He got their attention using Joel’s fulfilled prophecy to explain what was happening. Of course, he shared with everyone his own testimony of what Jesus had done and how that changed his life! Many people were moved by hearing words they had never heard before. People were encountering Jesus’ Spirit without him being visually present (except in tongues of flames)! The church was born that day!

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John 14:15-29 đź’› You Are Not An Orphan

Read John 14:15-29

Friends - two stuffed bears sitting in a field one with the arm around the other

Jesus is not going to leave his disciples (or us) alone as orphans. Our reading today kicks off our new theme of “The Holy Spirit & Prayer.” We see exactly when and where Jesus promises the Holy Spirit to his disciples. It was during his last meal with them. He was dropping a lot of truth bombs on them that night. Jesus was cramming some important stuff into this time with them.

You know how it can be when you’re getting ready to leave after a visit. You think of all the things you wanted to say the whole time but either didn’t find the right time to say or simply ran out of time. Either could be happening here. But clearly the disciples are starting to get a little nervous. The things Jesus was saying that night must have left them with more questions than answers.

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Philippians 2:1-11 đź’— Jesus is With Us

Read Philippians 2:1-11

silhouette of a girl looking up to a whole in the sky at sunset

Paul is challenging us to “have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had.” That might seem a bit daunting, but Paul shows us a bit about what that means. Having this knowledge gives us a glimpse into Jesus’ character as well. Humble. Compassionate. Loving.

You may be thinking, it’s easy to have a good attitude when you’re God. You’re in control. Yet, while Jesus is God, he is also man. We can’t forget Jesus “gave up his divine privileges; he took the humble position of a slave.” Jesus knows firsthand how difficult being a human can be.

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December 14 🌟 When God Lives Among Us (Zephaniah 3:14-20)

Read Zephaniah 3:14-20

Hand doing the "OK" motion with sunshine streaming through the open "o"

Oh, what a day that will be when God comes to live among us! He already sent his son, Jesus to do just that all those years ago. That’s what we celebrate in less than two weeks. God incarnate. God lived among us as one of us! Not only was he 100% God, but he was also 100% human.

I know, the math doesn’t add up, but in God’s economy, it makes perfect sense. God can do even more than we can imagine. Our minds can’t even comprehend. It’s with that awe and gratitude I want to make the most of this day, this gift God has given me.

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