Deuteronomy 11:8-32 – Count Your Blessings

Read Deuteronomy 11:8-32

Moses does a great job again of recapping what’s important now as the people get ready to claim their new home. He wants them to focus on the blessings. “Look, today I am giving you the choice between a blessing and a curse! You will be blessed if you obey the commands of the Lord your God that I am giving you today.” Moses has been giving a beautiful speech over the last chapters to prepare his people for their new reality. He is speaking for God to the Israelites, but there is wisdom for us, too.

Likewise, we can get lost in our own lives, stuck in fear or worry, busy with tasks, or simply just going through the motions of life. We can let Moses’ words bring us some comfort and direction. “But be careful. Don’t let your heart be deceived so that you turn away from the Lord and serve and worship other gods.” What may be deceiving us today may look different than those challenges for the Israelites, but the message is the same.

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Proverbs 14:21-35 – Bless the Poor

Read Proverbs 14:21-35

There are so many good messages in today’s reading. We should fear the Lord, be understanding, do good, be godly and with it comes great benefit. But what about the poor? Is anybody looking out for them? I am bombarded with requests from poor souls in developing countries to help them, send food, send money, help them escape poverty. I wish I could help every single one.

But in reality, I’d run out of money to support myself if I were to take on the task of helping everyone who asks me. What I can offer is prayer. I can pray for the mission organizations that we do support with funding. They know the best ways to help the most people. Just throwing dollars at those who beg will only be a short-term solution and not solve the bigger problem. My mission dollars will go a long way in the right hands. Yet my heart still cries out for those poor souls who are seeking my help.

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Matthew 5:1-12 – What is a Beatitude?

Read Matthew 5:1-12

Have you heard that word, Beatitude, before? Do you know what it means? The Google dictionary says “supreme blessedness.” For the purpose of our text, it represents the blessings spoken by Jesus. It’s such a beautiful passage. In our last reading, we hear how people are following Jesus, gathering crowds where ever he goes. Today’s text looks, in particular, at one of those days.

Picture this. The crowd was gathering, and Jesus was ready to teach. He went up the mountainside and sat down with his disciples gathered around. Everyone was ready to hear what Jesus had to say. Today was special. Jesus is about to preach a sermon that will rock their world. He starts with the blessings.

Continue reading “Matthew 5:1-12 – What is a Beatitude?”

Ruth 2:14-23 – The Family Redeemer

Read Ruth 2:14-23

Ruth had certainly found a wonderful place to be included. Boaz had apparently taken an interest in her having realized who she was. Ruth didn’t know the connection, and her willingness to work hard and be grateful was very pleasing to Boaz I’m sure.  This working relationship appears to have continued beyond this first day to include a whole harvest season. That would be good news for Naomi and Ruth.

Have you ever found yourself in a new situation? Perhaps you have felt unsure of yourself at some time in your life. I think of my first day on a new job. Everything is new. There is so much to learn, people to meet. There is a rush of excitement, too, at the chance for a new beginning. Think back to a time when everything was new and different. You may even remember a little fear thrown in. Fear of the unknown can often cripple us. Continue reading “Ruth 2:14-23 – The Family Redeemer”

Psalm 138 – Assurance

Read Psalm 138

When I read this psalm, I told myself that I wanted to see if I could sum it up in one word for the title. Assurance is what came to me in an instant. Read the psalm again and write in the comments what word came to your mind.

David is giving us a great example of how we praise and bless our God. With thanks, singing praise, bowing down, prayer. When is the last time you bowed down or got on your knees during your time with God?

There are some really great worship songs that talk of that total surrender. Here’s one of my favorites. Click here.

We can boldly come before our God knowing he is there and listening. He deserves our undivided attention.  How do you get yourself to a place of such reverence? Does it take a while to feel connected and as one with your Savior?

Let’s take a look at using David’s example here in this psalm as our prayer outline or guide. We start out by giving thanks. Coming with a grateful heart is always pleasing to God. Bow down, kneel, sing praise, pray, whatever it takes to close out distractions.

Then, the psalmist looks to others, perhaps this is where we pray for others, use good examples from the faithful to draw us deeper into our admiration.

Finally, once in total communion  with God, affirm God for all the good he has done and is doing in your life. Give him your troubles and concerns. Trust him to make all things right as he sees fit for you.

My favorite verse in this psalm is verse 8. “The Lord will work out his plans for my life—for your faithful love, O Lord, endures forever. Don’t abandon me, for you made me.” Take a moment to resonate with that promise and assurance. God will work things out for us. I am confident that even when we take the wrong turn, he is there to help us find a new way. 

Like GPS will redirect and recalculate when you miss a turn, so our God, in an even greater way, helps us get back on track. Have you gotten off track during your life? Do you ever wonder what would have happened if….? Trust that God has given you a beautiful “Plan B”. He has for me!

Let’s pray. Thank you Lord for being there to walk with me. When I take the wrong turn, thank you for finding me and getting me back on course (or helping me chart a new course). I love to sing your praises and lift your name on high. May my life be a shining example of your grace today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


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