Psalm 126 – Joy!

Read Psalm 126

Have you ever been happy like that? As the psalmist talks about the Israelites returning to Jerusalem after years in exile. They were so happy, they thought they were dreaming.

As the story goes, however, these Israelites had probably never seen the true beauty of Jerusalem before. Why? Because the exile had lasted so long. Those that had been the ones to leave had long since died. But the dream of returning, the memory of God’s promise, the desire for Jerusalem lived on.

I have “pinch me” moments quite often when I wake up to another beautiful, sunny day here in Mexico. I’m retired now with no more alarm clocks. I have joy in that, and often have to  remind myself I’m not dreaming.

We should all have the Israelite’s kind of joy in our hearts at the mere thought of our loving God. He showed us he loved us in a big way when he sent his son. Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice on the cross for us, for our sins, was the triumph of greatest magnitude. Every follower should be jumping for joy and having a “pinch me” moment at the very thought.

As the history continues, it didn’t take the returning Israelites  long to see that their beloved City was in ruin. The glory days had long since ended. The second half of the psalm is a beautiful call for God’s provision to restore and renew. I appreciate how it is done with such integrity and not selfish plea.  In the strength of those words, there is no doubt that God will act, and when he does., their response…JOY!

Do you have that kind of assurance when you pray? Do you know without a doubt that God will make “lemonade out of lemons” for you? Are you ready to sing and shout for joy at the thought? Think on that for a while. Is it time to rejuvenate your allegiance to God? Your prayer life?

Let’s pray. Lord, I thank you for all you have done for me! You have changed my mourning into dancing and left me stronger in the wake of my struggles. Thank you for guiding me through those dark days to such a sunny and bright future. I know that your hand is at work to guide and direct us here in our new surroundings. Thank you for the opportunity to reach people I wouldn’t have otherwise reached through this transition. Use us to make a difference. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Psalm 125 – Why Trust?

Read Psalm 125

The promise in verse one is quite something, isn’t it? Those who trust in the Lord are as secure as Mount Zion; they will not be defeated but will endure forever.” 

Is this a good reason to trust God? He is surrounding us now and will forever. There is assurance there. It doesn’t say that we will be trouble free. But no matter what, God is there. That’s why I trust.

We will not be defeated. We have the final victory with Jesus. We may experience trials and feel as if we’re defeated in this life, but this promise goes way beyond the here and now. This is a promise for eternity. I can put up with a little strife in this life, to be ready for the happily ever after with Jesus.

The part of this psalm about evil rulers strikes a chord. There are many people around the world today unhappy with their leadership. We see it here in Mexico, and we certainly see it in the United States. There are people all over the globe fearful for their lives because of rulers who are abusing their power. But, if we also believe in God’s sovereignty, we know that God is the true ruler of our hearts and lives. These men and women in authority are only being used by God.

Romans 13 addresses this, ” Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God. So anyone who rebels against authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and they will be punished. “ I’m not intending to get into a political debate. Whether we agree with our rulers are not, we should remember this Bible teaching and get on our knees in prayer for those leaders.

Evil exists in this world, and no one is immune. We are all tempted by our own weaknesses. I think of 2 Corinthians 12:9, Jesus said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.” There it is. We can call on the power of Christ!

So where do you put your trust? In your own abilities? In your Savior and King, Jesus?

Let’s pray. Heavenly Father thank you for your promise of eternity with you. Help me to trust you without question. I pray for the world’s leaders, especially when I see so much injustice and anger and fear. Work in their hearts so that they align with you. I pray for those that are searching for you. May they find you and be blessed. Unleash your power inside me so that I can truly live for you.  In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Psalm 123 – Have Mercy

Read Psalm 123

I lift my eyes to you Lord.

We need our focus to be on God and everything else will fall into place. We need to cry out for mercy, and it will be given to us.

When I imagine true attention on God, I picture our dogs during training exercises. Those sweet little faces looking up at me, wanting to please and obey. They are so eager for the treat that awaits them as an reward for the appropriate response. There is almost a pleading in their expression.

How does it look when we look to God? Are we smiling with thanksgiving? Are we scowling with anger? Are we laughing with joy? Are we pleading for forgiveness? Are we expectantly waiting for direction?

We are probably all waiting for answered prayer of some kind or another. Maybe it’s for restored relationships, for healing from sickness, for clarity on a job change, for rescue from a dangerous situation, for peace, for financial security. We are all in the waiting boat. Where are our eyes while we wait?

Don’t you love how God’s word is always fresh? We may have read this same psalm a billion times, but each time there is something new, something fresh that is revealed. That’s why Bible studies with others can be so beneficial. We all see the same passage through different eyes, coming from different backgrounds with perhaps differing perspectives. We can learn so much from each other and how God is revealing himself to them.

So where are your eyes focused today? Do you want to do something about it? For me, I’m going to work harder at keeping my focus on God and not on the struggles or frustrations of the day.

Let’s pray. Lord, I cry out to you with thanksgiving for giving me life and breath. May I serve you and bless you with my words and actions today. Help me keep my focus on you. Help me shut out distractions. Use me to touch lives today. Have mercy on me and my household. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


Psalm 122 – Be Glad

Read Psalm 122

I like how David starts this psalm, I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord!” He was glad. When is the last time you felt “glad” about something?

David’s heart was so in tune with God. The very thought of going to God’s house, in this case the temple in Jerusalem, made him glad. He was happy to go. Do we have that same excitement about going to worship in our own church? If not, what is holding us back from unleashing pure joy at being in God’s presence?

Did you notice his word choice here, “let us go”, not just “go”. That would seem to infer the privilege of being able to worship our God. That is a freedom we often take for granted. Many people around the world do not have that freedom to be open about their allegiance to Jesus. You may even know someone that is currently hiding their faith. How they must wish they were able to go and worship publicly. That would certainly make them glad.

We often lose sight of what is important. It is not so much the “where” we worship, but it is certainly about the “who”. Who are we worshiping? What does our worship look like? Have we lost that joy that comes with the privilege of being in God’s presence together with other believers? Search your heart today for a true answer to these questions.

Let’s pray. Lord, you are a mighty God. It is such a privilege to know you and sing praise to you. I do get giddy when it’s time to lead worship. To feel your spirit coursing through my veins is a feeling of contentment and joy I can’t put into words. It is the perfect time of communion with you, our hearts are as one. I thank you for letting me have those times and look forward to the next opportunity. I pray for those who do not know you. May my life be such a reflection of you that those lost souls see you and can be rescued by you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Psalm 121 – I Need You

Read Psalm 121

As I write this, I am actually looking at the mountains that surround our home. Beautiful. Majestic. Listen to this song based on this psalm from Brian Doerksen, HERE.

We do need you Lord, more than we even know ourselves. And there should be no question where our help comes from – it comes from the Lord. We may try and fool ourselves that we can overcome on our own, or we have the answers, but we need our Lord. He is our problem solver.

It’s like calling customer service. How many times have you gotten stuck with an appliance, with a product you’ve just purchased, or even a new service on the internet. I know I’m always happy to have a 24 hour customer service number to call. Too many times I’ll get a recording only to realize that I’ve missed the hours of operation by only a few minutes. God isn’t like that. He is available to us 24/7.

What an assurance to know that our God, creator of the universe, has our backs and is ready to help us when we call. I love this psalm and the picture of God watching out for us. That doesn’t mean nothing bad will ever happen because there is evil running rampant in this world. But God is watching and there to protect.

Let’s pray. Father, thank you for your watchful eye that never rests. Thank you for the protection you offer and the reassurance your presence affords. Help me today to rest in that blessing. I pray for those around me who may not know that reassurance. Open up doors and conversations to allow your name to be glorified. Give me your wisdom today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


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