There’s a lot of praising going on in heaven! It’s how I would imagine it to be, too–worship happening 24/7! After all, how could you help but being overcome, giving ALL you had in praise and adoration, simply by being in the presence of God, the Father, the Almighty, the one who lives forever?! Take a moment to close your eyes, inhale deeply, and exhale slowly as you imagine being in God’s presence, no more worry or strife, and amidst the joy and reverence of others around you. What a beautiful peace!
How many times have you wondered about what heaven might be like? I’m not sure I ever pictured four beings with lots of eyes. I mean, a lot of eyes! It sounds a little creepy to me, actually. But it’s imagery that is similar to what we see in Isaiah 6. We have a glimpse there into heaven as well in Isaiah’s vision. Ezekiel 1 is also another example of God revealing to his messengers about the things to come. I think that is exactly why John is seeing the vision now. To prepare him for what’s next.
Can you imagine the honor John felt as he was welcomed into heaven as a guest. While in the spirit, God was revealing himself, his majesty, his splendor. Every moment is a celebration of God’s goodness. It was important that we see this, too, to have assurance that no matter how bad things get, we have a safe haven that can be ours.
I’m sure that John’s words can only skim the surface of how majestic the throne room actually is. Human words are limited, and human understanding often elusive. But the words he has used do suggest grandeur, dazzling brilliance, radiance beyond description. What were some of your favorite images? What sort of emotion did those elicit?
Imagine you were there with John. What questions come to mind? I wondered about the 24 elders. It has been thought by scholars that these elders represent a coming together of all of God’s people in both the old and new covenant. That is, the 12 tribes of Israel are represented as well as the 12 apostles of Jesus. Pure speculation. As Jesus said, the faithful would be given white robes and crowns. The living beings have also been associated with the following attributes: lion (nobility), ox (strength), human (wisdom) and eagle (swiftness).
One thing is for sure, one of the main jobs the living beings had were to be the worship leaders. We, too, can be in constant praise. What would it hurt to say these words several times a day? “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God, the Almighty—the one who always was, who is, and who is still to come.” We would definitely stay grounded in our faith and allegiance. It’s like doing your morning declarations in front of the mirror to set the tone for your day. This would be a powerful declaration to add.

Let’s pray. Lord, you are worthy to be praised. I am overcome with awe and wonder at all you have done. The universe is yours and everything in it. May I live with constant praise on my tongue. Forgive me for times when I let negative thinking infiltrate my day. You are holy! You are mighty! You are living inside me. How can I feel weak? Thank you, God, for being a constant in my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.