Being a worship leader and musician, between the reading in Chapter 4 and today’s in Chapter 5, I can’t help but think of two songs. You can click to listen to Revelation Song and Worthy is the Lamb. Filled with wonder, awestruck wonder, indeed!
Again, we have more beautiful imagery. We see the scroll in God’s hands. That’s how books were written in those days. I understand a scroll could be up to 30 feet long. That’s a lot of words! But God’s scroll was holy and filled with truth. It was sealed with seven seals. Who was worthy to open it to reveal the future God had written?
John was overcome with emotion. “No one in heaven or on earth or under the earth was able to open the scroll and read it.” But one of the elders spoke up and directed John’s attention to the Lion of Judah! Expecting to see a powerful lion, ready to attack that scroll with his mighty strength, John sees the sacrificial Lamb instead. Jesus is both. As the Lamb of God, he won the greatest battle of all. It is important for us to remember it is the Lamb of sacrifice that has victory.
I think of another great song, The Lion and the Lamb. I have often cried singing this song when I get to the refrain. You can listen HERE. Who can stop the Lord Almighty? There is such a comfort knowing that Jesus is fighting our battles and at the same time he has sacrificed himself for us.
How do you respond to the worship going on? Are you feeling a bit overcome with emotion yourself? Take some time to praise the Lamb who was slain. I am absolutely on my knees in reverent adoration, in surrender of my own power, in gratitude for God’s saving grace.

Let’s pray. Father, I am in awe of you. Thank you for revealing yourself and a glimpse of heaven. Thank you for the reminder that victory comes in sacrifice. What Jesus has done for me is beyond comprehension really. Help me to fully grasp what I can in this life. I look forward to seeing your kingdom come and reign forever. Rekindle my heart of worship to stop focusing on things that are not important. Help me to focus only on you and your saving grace. In Jesus’ name. Amen.