This reading has one of my favorite images in it. Jesus knocking on the door to my heart. There is a famous painting that depicts the door with no handle on Jesus’ side of the door. He is not going to barge his way in. He is waiting patiently for us as believers. Would you open the door to him?
The message to the church in Laodicea is a bit challenging. There doesn’t seem to be any sort of praise going on. Jesus find them lukewarm like their water. And like tepid water, Jesus wants to “spit them out.” Laodicea didn’t have it’s own water supply so when it arrived via aqueduct from the hot springs it was warm, or from the cold springs it was warm. Imagine making tea with warm water? It needs to be boiling hot! So, too, our devotion to Jesus! Burning bright!
Jesus wants us to be on fire for him. It’s not very impressive to be indifferent. Yet, how many churches have you encountered over the years that are exactly that. They are stuck in their traditions. The traditions themselves are beautiful, but it is the attitude of settling and not letting the Holy Spirit ignite. We can become stagnant in our faith and soon begin relying on our own power. That is exactly what Jesus was talking about here.
The people of Laodicea had another thing against them. They were wealthy. I am in no way saying that money is a bad thing. On the contrary, many wonderful things can be accomplished when you have an ample money supply. What is frightening is when people with wealth get comfortable. They tend to believe they have what they need, and if they need more they can just go buy it. Where is the reliance on God? Where is the trust in God’s provision? Do they realize they are poor in Jesus’ eyes? Worldly wealth is temporary.
I recognized lyrics to a praise song we have sung in church recently, “Light the Fire Again.” The vision of standing before Jesus naked and poor, wretched and blind, coming to buy gold refined in the fire. I remember for years singing that song but not truly understanding the intense meaning. It should be the prayer on our lips to light the fire again.
Did you notice how each of our readings to the churches ended. With these words, “Anyone with ears to hear must listen to the Spirit and understand what he is saying to the churches.” This is the last of the seven churches but you likely picked up nuggets from each of the messages just like I did. Maybe you see one of these “faults” happening in your own church.
As we go forward in the Book of Revelation, keeping these ideals in mind will be helpful. Jesus wants the best for us. He isn’t going to bring us into something he is not there to support us in or prepare us for. We have prepared our hearts to be ready for the messages we are about to receive. We now have a bit of a context to help us understand the visions that will unfold in the following chapters.
Take some time today to think about how you can ignite your passion for Christ again.

Let’s pray. Lord, forgive me for being indifferent to the inequality I see in the world. I know your heart breaks for those who suffer and endure affliction. Ignite inside me so that I am glowing from within. May people truly see me sparkle with your Spirit inside. Use me to make a difference in this world. Thank you for how you gifted me and the opportunities you provide for me to praise you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.