Colossians 2:6-15 – New Life

Read Colossians 2:6-15

With Jesus we have new life! We were dead in our sins before Jesus washed us clean. Jesus cut away the entanglement of our sin and its destruction in our lives. We have been forgiven. We have put our trust in a God who has saved us, rescued us from ourselves.

Hallelujah. How can you not feel joy in that?

Why would someone choose to live a life of bondage and uncertainty? Many, many people are lost in that life. I have wandered aimlessly myself, and maybe you can recall a time of living in darkness. Our record of wrong has been cancelled. As I have said many times, God has a big eraser, and when he forgives, he forgets that sin forever. He wipes the slate clean. We may want to hold on to the memory of it, and perhaps that is good in terms of making sure we avoid such sin in the future, but we should not hold on to the guilt. We have been forgiven, once and for all.

Is it really as easy as this? I would say the answer is, “yes!” We are to follow Jesus, not just accept him and go about our own way. If we are truly devoted, we will want to stay the course. We will yearn for more. But be careful, because Satan is sneaky and will try to deceive you. The evil one did not appreciate being defeated. The victory was won on the cross.  Claim it!

Let’s pray.  Lord help me encourage others to run from the schemes of the evil one. Thank you that you have won the victory for me. Remove the guilt I feel as a remnant of my sin. You have erased and eradicated my sin, may I feel cleansed and empowered! Help me to live a life redeemed, restored and ready to serve. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


Colossians 1:24-2:5 – The Secret

Read Colossians 1:24-2:5

The secret is found in verse 27, Christ lives in you. This gives you assurance of sharing his glory. What a responsibility this is, but I’d have to say what a privilege as well.  This is truth we can know and accept, and we can trust and believe it. And, this truth is meant for sharing. Christ lives in us.  

I thought today about who exactly does he live in? Does he only live in us because we have asked him, or does he live in everyone. If he lives in everyone, does he lie dormant until ignited or what exactly? I guess this question will have to wait for an answer, or perhaps I’ll discover a revelation in other scripture. For now, suffice it to say that I feel privileged to be a host to Christ, the Son of God, the Savior of the world. What do you think?

That thought, when I think of it, does give me assurance to share and tell everyone. Interesting that this text says “warn” everyone. I suppose there is great power in having God live inside us. If only we did unleash this power and majesty more often. Imagine what this world would look like if all believers lived in the power of Christ, sharing and proclaiming with every breath.

The warning is, then, to be careful in how we channel this power, and not to use it for selfish gain or to bring attention to ourselves for the wrong reasons.

Let’s pray.  Lord may I use wisdom today to speak your truth. Thank you for the power that you have filled me with. May I honor your presence in me in all that I say and do. Thank you for the reminder that you have given me this gift. The sweet assurance of spending eternity with you. Speak through me to tell others of this amazing secret. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Colossians 1:15-23 – Supremacy

Read Colossians 1:15-23

Jesus.  He existed before anything else.  Anything.  He holds creation together.  That is quite something.  

I think of the laminin cell in our bodies. Looking like a cross. Glorious. If you haven’t ever seen Louie Giglio’s talk on this amazing cell, check it out here.  As Jesus holds the world, so he also reconciles us to his father. It is only through Jesus that we are able to enter the presence of God. I’m overwhelmed.  The presence of God.  

What do you imagine when you see the face of God? If you’ve not ever thought of that moment when you meet God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit face to face, take a moment to think through that encounter.

I can imagine running into the arms of God. The warmest embrace ever. It is all because of Jesus, the one who reconciled us all. We can stand before God. It’s not because we are something wonderful. No! It is because we have a wonderful Savior who has given us the introduction, who has paid the price for our admission.

The key here is that Jesus is FIRST, he is supreme. If we have Jesus, we have God. But verse 23 warns us to continue in that truth and stand firm, don’t drift away. So often we do drift away. I drifted away. I may have been far away from God in my own mind, but I was never far from God in his mind. That’s a good thing for all of us.

Let’s pray. Lord I give you thanks that I have been able to overcome all that I have in this life. I realize it has not been on my own but only with you assistance and patience with me. I have a heart full of gratefulness for all that God has done, and for the price Jesus paid for me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Colossians 1:1-14 – Redeemed!

Read Colossians 1:1-14

Before starting Book 4 of the Psalms with the next up psalm, Psalm 90, I thought we’d take a diversion to the New Testament.  We’ll walk together through the Book of Colossians and let the words of Paul encourage us!

I love the opening greeting of each epistle (letter). Colossians is especially awesome.  Paul is such a great encourager, isn’t he?  God used him in such amazing ways to grow his church in those early days.  Oh-to be more like Paul in that regard!!  

The prayer in verse 9 is what really spoke to me today. That God would give us all COMPLETE knowledge of his will. What a blessing to have spiritual wisdom so we can please and honor God in all things. All we have to do is ask. How many of us forget to ask? Or perhaps many of us are either afraid to listen or too busy to listen?  

I think that if we all did a better job of asking God and listening to Him, the world would look so much different. So, how do we get the message out? How do we let people know the answers, the wisdom, and God’s will for our lives is here? God is ready to reveal himself!

Are you like me? I struggle with knowing what God’s Will is for me, and I hope that I am living in it. So many times over my life I have gone astray and been separated from God, by my own doing. I always knew he was there, and he was, watching over me, waiting for me to look in his direction. He never pressured me. He never begged me. He just waited. Patiently waited. Oh how that makes my heart overflow. He waited. He watched.  

Now it’s my turn.  I need to be waiting and watching for him and Jesus return. What else does God want from me? How can I make a difference? I need to empty myself of me so I can be more filled with him. That is my prayer today.  

Let’s pray.  Father, empty me of me so I can be filled up with you. Give me assurance that I am doing what you have made me to do. Help me bless those around me, and use me for your purpose. Thank you for the strength and power you share with me to give me the endurance for each day. Fill me anew with your joy. My heart is grateful for the inheritance you have promised me. Help me not keep it all to myself. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Psalm 89 – It’s All God’s

Read Psalm 89

This is a long psalm, one not credited to David. There are a lot of gems in this psalm as it praises God and tells of His promises. So that we can focus on God’s goodness, because it would be easy to get distracted with what happens her in the later verses. I’m going to pick one of those “gems” and focus on that today. You may have a different gem, and I would encourage you to write out your thoughts and feelings, too.

Verse 11 is what does it for me today. The heavens are yours, and the earth is yours; everything in the world is yours—you created it all.” 

That is sobering, isn’t it? In this world of commercialism and greed, there is always a rush to get more. To have so much stuff, new stuff to upgrade the old, old stuff to reminiscence the past, colorful stuff to decorate and make our homes welcoming. Just look around at all the stuff. Who does it belong to? Really? The sooner we realize that and accept it, the better.

This whole idea was first brought home for me during a financial seminar years ago. We are only the “keepers” of the stuff, God’s stuff, all of it, and we need to be asking, “are we being good stewards? Have we lost our focus?” We need to focus on God and give him the praise and adoration he deserves.  We also need to give him thanks for all the stuff he lets us have and use.

More recently, as we got ready for our move to Mexico, we got to see up close and personal all the stuff we had accumulated over the years.  I was amazed at how memories came flooding down at the sight of these things that had been boxed up for years.  Many, many trips to the Goodwill, to other charities, and consignment shops. I just had to let go of that “stuff” and pray that the new caretakers would be good stewards and find enjoyment.

It’s all God’s.  We are his, too.  Are we taking good care of ourselves? Is our relationship with God healthy or distant. Are we lukewarm or on fire for him? I want to rejoice all day long!

Let’s pray. Lord, forgive me when I focus on stuff and not enough on you. Help me be a good steward of all that you have entrusted to me. Give me the eyes to see need so I may share your blessings with others. May there be a song on my lips and praise in my step every moment of my day. Before ALL else, may you be glorified in my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


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