Luke 18:1-8 – Persistence with Patience

Read Luke 18:1-8

I absolutely love this passage! Persistence with patience is a beautiful pair. We are reminded that sometimes our prayers are not a once and done sort of thing. God doesn’t necessarily just jump to justice when we first ask. We need to patiently wait for his answer and be persistent in our asking. Jesus gives us this example for a reason.

Now if you are a parent or have taken care of children at any time in your life, you have witnessed persistence at its finest. Children have a fantastic knack of asking and asking for things, like a cookie before dinner, or another glass of water at bedtime. Do we cave in? Do we stand firm? Do we look at the justice being served, or the harm being done, in responding to the request? Continue reading “Luke 18:1-8 – Persistence with Patience”

Luke 17:20-37 – Kingdom Come

Read Luke 17:20-37

The kingdom of God – what are your thoughts on this? The Pharisees again are not focusing on the right thing. Many Jews of the time were waiting on a Messiah who they thought would be ultimate power and authority over the rulers of earth, rescuing them from their oppression. They could not see that Jesus was their Messiah. His rescue and reign were not at all as they had imagined.

God’s wisdom is so much greater than what we can imagine. When we realize and embrace that truth, there is so much freedom. When we stop trying to define God on terms of what we understand and realize his kingdom is so much grander than we can imagine, we can find peace. Yet, we are human and seek to control our environment. Some of us are just a little bit more “freakish” when it comes to control. I was recently reminded of this. Continue reading “Luke 17:20-37 – Kingdom Come”

Luke 17:11-19 – How Grateful?

Read Luke 17:11-19

What do you make of this passage? I have never been able to wrap my head around how only one out of ten came back to say thanks. Didn’t their parents teach them to say “thank you?” The one who did come back expressed his gratitude in such a grandiose fashion! What happened to the other nine?

What are some things you are grateful for? Your life. Your family. A God that loves you no matter what. A job. A roof over your head. It doesn’t have to be extravagant to cultivate gratitude. In fact, some of the smallest blessings should elicit gratefulness and praise. Like a beautiful sunset. I saw one of those today! I cherished the fact that I was able to see it as opposed to being cooped up in a room missing it. Continue reading “Luke 17:11-19 – How Grateful?”

Luke 17:1-10 – Faith & Forgiveness

Read Luke 17:1-10

How much time do we spend talking about sinfulness? It’s a subject we don’t like to think about because we expose ourselves, our faults and our wrong doings. But without exposure, how can we be cleansed. God sees our hearts no matter how much we try to cover up our messiness. When we do face our sin so that we can prayerfully ask for forgiveness, do we look beyond ourselves and pass blame?

We might say something like, “I wouldn’t have done it if so and so hadn’t made me.” We want to pass the blame torch, somehow lessening the guilt or shame we feel for our own sin. Rather, we should flat out admit we messed up and move on toward forgiveness. That is such a better place to be. Continue reading “Luke 17:1-10 – Faith & Forgiveness”

Luke 16:19-31 – It’s Too Late

Read Luke 16:19-31

This passage has always been sobering for me. I don’t want any of my loved ones to be like the rich man who ends up in “that” place. The message is clearly laid out for us on how to avoid it, yet so many people ignore the message.

Heaven and hell. Two places we’ve heard about since we were kids. I’m sure we all have an image of what both are like. Yet, we can’t truly know or even wrap our minds around what eternity would be like in either place. From this account, it is quite clear that hell is not the choice anyone would make on purpose. Continue reading “Luke 16:19-31 – It’s Too Late”


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