Luke 16:1-18 – Shrewd or Wise?

Read Luke 16:1-18

There is a distinct difference between being shrewd and being wise. As I see it, at least, someone is shrewd if they know how to get what they want for selfish reasons. Someone who is wise knows how to get what they want but for the benefit of others.

To explain his parable about the shrewd manager, Jesus said, “Use your worldly resources to benefit others and make friends. Then, when your possessions are gone, they will welcome you to an eternal home.” The manager was definitely shrewd!  Continue reading “Luke 16:1-18 – Shrewd or Wise?”

Luke 15:1-32 – Lost and Found

Read Luke 15:1-32

Today’s reading is longer than usual, as you may have noticed. The common theme is lost and found, so let’s take a look at that. Because Jesus uses three different parables for this message, I would say he’s pretty serious about this. It’s a topic that needs to be emphasized. Its part of our mission, to find the lost, so let’s dig in!

Before we begin, think of something you have lost. Maybe it’s as simple as a set of car keys. Picture the scene – you’re ready to leave for work or an important appointment and you can’t find your keys anywhere. Panic sets in. Your brain starts to shut down because you are frantic. I’ve often prayed, “Father, help me find them!” When you do find your “keys”, the rush of relief and joy quickly replaces your worry. There is a celebration going on. Continue reading “Luke 15:1-32 – Lost and Found”

Luke 14:25-35 – What’s the Cost?

Read Luke 14:25-35

What did you think of this reading? I struggled with “hating” the people I love most. The words, “by comparison,” help us to see what Jesus is saying. He is not contradicting himself or his command to love one another. He is, instead, being totally serious as to how much we need to love HIM to be his follower. He demands our full attention and devotion.

It is probably his way of preparing us for the life of a disciple. It won’t be easy, the cost is high. Some will lose their friends, some will lose their jobs, families often split apart, and some may even lose their life. Are you ready to lose these things for Jesus? Being a follower is not for the weak. It’s not a walk in the park, smell the roses kind of life. While its rewards and blessings have no end, it is not an easy life.  Continue reading “Luke 14:25-35 – What’s the Cost?”

Luke 14:15-24 – Let’s Party

Read Luke 14:15-24

Do you ever make excuses at the last minute for not attending a gathering you’re invited to? I’m trying to remember doing so, but I know I’ve had it done to me. It’s like the people decided at the last minute that a better offer came along. I always struggled with that because for me, a commitment is a commitment. If I say I’m going to do something (or don’t say I’m not), I am committed to that thing. I call it integrity or being considerate.

So what happens in the story Jesus tells to illustrate the banquet? The people first invited were not considerate. They did not keep their word at attending the feast. That’s a frustrating feeling for the one holding the feast. The anticipation of a party, of being around friends, of being able to share and make a memory. Rather than call the party off when no guests were expected – the feast holder went to Plan B and invited people he didn’t know, people less fortunate and not accustomed to such celebrations.  Continue reading “Luke 14:15-24 – Let’s Party”

Luke 14:1-14 – Be Humble

Read Luke 14:1-14

Jesus takes every opportunity he has for a teachable moment. We get a front row seat to all of this great wisdom. Granted, there were days not memorialized to be sure, but when situations aligned, Jesus used them to teach. That’s what a good teacher does.

As parents, we try to find those moments with our children. One simple question from our wee ones may often bloom into a full-fledged life lesson. Those are the moments that stick with you and make an impression. Our glimpse into the life of Jesus shows us those moments so they can stick with us. Continue reading “Luke 14:1-14 – Be Humble”


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