What do you make of this passage? I have never been able to wrap my head around how only one out of ten came back to say thanks. Didn’t their parents teach them to say “thank you?” The one who did come back expressed his gratitude in such a grandiose fashion! What happened to the other nine?
What are some things you are grateful for? Your life. Your family. A God that loves you no matter what. A job. A roof over your head. It doesn’t have to be extravagant to cultivate gratitude. In fact, some of the smallest blessings should elicit gratefulness and praise. Like a beautiful sunset. I saw one of those today! I cherished the fact that I was able to see it as opposed to being cooped up in a room missing it.
But for these 10 men, it was a life-changing moment. They had been afflicted with a horrible disease that kept them separated from their loved ones for who knows how long. How could you not just fall down on your knees and worship? How can you be so busy celebrating to forget to thank the one who made it all possible?
One did remember. One “foreigner,” a Samaritan was moved. He couldn’t stay silent. He called out, he was actually shouting, “Praise God!” He knew his life had been changed forever. He was overcome with gratefulness. According to Jesus, his faith had made him well. He was the one who had given glory to God.
I think this is a good reminder to us. We need to be grateful to God. He has done so many great things for us. He is working behind the scenes answering prayers that we don’t even know are being prayed. How do we respond? Are we like the Samaritan here and fall down in praise and thanksgiving? Or, do we go on our way and forget to give thanks?
I read something somewhere, and I may have even shared this before. It can be a little startling. What if you woke up tomorrow with only the things you had thanked God for today? Would that change the way you pray or live your life? God deserves our best, and that includes our best gratitude, our best praise, our best recognition of his greatness. How are you responding to his promises?
Let’s pray. Father God, please forgive me for those times that I overlook you moving in my life. May my heart be so full of thanksgiving and praise that I never forget to give you the honor you are due. Keep my eyes fresh and alive, looking for and seeing your goodness all around me. Don’t let me take you for granted. May my awe and joy at being yours fuel me in all I say and do. Thank you for the gifts you have given me. May I continue to use them to your glory. In Jesus’ name. Amen.