What a majestic temple Solomon built! I was picturing the beautiful wood panels and carvings, just imagining how rich it would smell. Then along came the gold overlays. Was anything not covered in gold? Overlay is not the same as “pure” gold. I understand it is more of a sheet of gold. But it’s still gold.
Why did Solomon cover everything? I suppose partly to impress with the workmanship but also to reflect royalty with the gold. This was God’s temple after all. Nothing but the best! Solomon wanted to give God a home that was not only built well but that was beautifully decorated.
Personally, that much gold would not have necessarily made it “beautiful” to me. I prefer a variety of textures for which gold certainly has its place. But the wood sounded beautiful, especially considering all the intricate carvings. We have gotten away from such craftsmanship in recent years. That’s part of the charm I find in older houses. To me, the richness of the wood accents, carvings, etc. is very attractive.
I appreciate how well this account describes the temple’s appearance. I can totally close my eyes and picture the majesty. Everything has its place and purpose. This first temple was quite the tribute to God. David would certainly be proud of his son, Solomon for this, don’t you think?
What sort of temples exist still today? The one we read about today will be destroyed. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says, “Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body.” Our bodies are now the temple where God resides.
Think of that. Your body. When is the last time you thought about the fact your body is a temple for the Holy Spirit? Is it as lavish as the temple Solomon had built? I’m not talking about the golden overlay but rather the care taken to make sure it is as beautiful and honoring to God as possible.
Somewhere in my 40’s, I finally started to hit the gym on a regular basis wanting to get my body (my temple) in shape. Up to that point in my life, I despised working out, exercising, etc. I think it all stems from the limiting belief I had that I “wasn’t athletic.”
I was never in any competitive sports in school. When I tried a softball league as an adult, I blew out my quads in the first game just running to first base after I hit the ball. I think I was more in shock from the fact I hit the ball than that I couldn’t move my legs or climb the stairs at home!
It is important that we take care of our bodies. Our bodies belong to God. He paid a very high price for us, and we shouldn’t forget that. When you think about what Jesus did for you on the cross, how can you not want to honor him in all you do and with all you are!
Take some time today to reflect on how you are caring for your body, God’s new earthly temple. Are you doing your best to keep it pure from the grime of sin? Is it “majestic?” Are you keeping it fit and ready for kingdom action?

Let’s pray …
Heavenly Father, forgive me times in my life when I have not cared for my body or my physical health. Help me to have the self-control I need to continue to eat healthy and exercise regularly. Bring to my mind regularly the fact that my body is your temple so I can be mindful of your presence. In Jesus’ name. Amen.