Following in the footsteps of a father like David would be difficult. What must Solomon be thinking as he receives his final instructions from his father. I suppose there is probably a little fear, some excitement, and probably a bit of pride thrown in for good measure.
When we read of David’s passing, it seems more than just a matter of fact. Don’t you feel a bit like a friend has died? We can probably all identity to some degree with what David did and how he did it. Our circumstances, of course, are completely different (unless you happen to be an Israelite king)! David left a legacy, and that’s probably our intention, too.
What does that look like for you? Have you even thought about what happens when you die? Of course, we think about our own journey and destination, but what about the mark we leave on the world? In my younger years, that was really the furthest thing from my mind. We think we’re invincible. We’re not. We all have an expiration date.
So when we leave this world, as David did in this passage, what will those left behind have to remember us by? Each new day is a gift from God, and none of us know how may of those gifts we will be given. It’s up to us to make the most of each gift (day). I want to make a difference in the lives of others as part of my legacy.
David’s legacy will continue through his son, Solomon. David’s words to his son are so powerful. “If your descendants live as they should and follow me faithfully with all their heart and soul, one of them will always sit on the throne of Israel.” There’s a big “if” in there, but then there’s also a bigger promise to encourage right behavior.
David leaves Solomon with some final wishes, much like an addendum to a Last Will & Testament. Today, we often leave special instructions to follow aside from what the law requires in a legal document. Having worked for several years as a probate assistant to some wonderful estate attorneys, I learned a lot about what a “legacy” might look like.
David was clear in his instruction to follow God. Really, if Solomon heard nothing else that day, that is the message he should take away. Everything will be okay if you just follow God’s directions. That’s the same wisdom we can rely on today.
As we live our faith, we can be a legacy on earth. We can set the example for our brothers and sisters whether they are believers or not. As I write this, our company is getting ready to launch an association where Christian business owners can mingle, network, learn, collaborate, and thrive! It’s the direction God has placed on my heart. I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed, but at the same time more energized than I have in years. This is exactly what I have been looking for. I know I’m not alone!
Is this my legacy? What’s yours?

Let’s pray …
Lord, I am energized by each new day you give me to learn and grow closer to you. It is my prayer that others will come to know you in a deeper fashion because of the association we are building together. Help me to trust you and not lean on my own understanding. Your ways are so much better than mine. Use me to be a blessing to others. In Jesus’ name. Amen.