1 Kings 2:1-12 – A Legacy

Read 1 Kings 2:1-12

looking down on feet with tennis shoes, walking toward a set of arrows signifying a decision in new direction must be made

Following in the footsteps of a father like David would be difficult. What must Solomon be thinking as he receives his final instructions from his father. I suppose there is probably a little fear, some excitement, and probably a bit of pride thrown in for good measure.

When we read of David’s passing, it seems more than just a matter of fact. Don’t you feel a bit like a friend has died? We can probably all identity to some degree with what David did and how he did it. Our circumstances, of course, are completely different (unless you happen to be an Israelite king)! David left a legacy, and that’s probably our intention, too.

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1 Kings 1:1-4 – Growing Old

Read 1 Kings 1:1-4

A gray-haired couple walking away from camera with back packs, holding hands

As we approach 1 Kings, it will help if we remember this is history. It’s not just historical facts, figures, and events either. Many people may question whether it’s relevant to us today. After all, these are battles fought long ago in a land far away (for most of us). The book focuses on its first audience and their orientation to God. For us, let’s enjoy the storytelling!

These first few chapters will close out the story of King David. For more on David’s life story, refer to 1 and 2 Samuel. In this passage, we see a very old and fragile King David. Having just spent some time in a nursing home recently with my father, I can just imagine how hard it is for the people to see David declining in this way. Once a mighty warrior, yet always a man seeking after God.

Continue reading “1 Kings 1:1-4 – Growing Old”

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