Adonijah did much more than make a mistake when he declared himself king. He opened the door to hatred and revenge from his brother, the true king, and severe disappointment from his father. Sometimes we avoid doing things for fear of what “other people might think.”
I’m the first to admit I’ve had that worry a time or two or two thousand during my life. I’m a people pleaser, and I want to fix things. Pretty much everything that crosses my path gets “fixed” if I have much to do with it. It’s a behavior I’ve worked on controlling for many years.
People often say, “we learn from our mistakes.” I agree with that statement. But I must say that despite the lesson, we often forget and fall more than once. In recovery we define that as “insanity.” That’s not a good thing. Once and done is what it should be when we make a mistake.
In our reading, Adonijah and his crowd are seriously panicking. Adonijah’s fear was so devastating he cried out, “Let King Solomon swear today that he will not kill me!” His mistake had not only taught him a valuable lesson (don’t go against God’s will) but watch your back because your stupidity has probably angered the true heir.
How relieved Adonijah had to be when his brother simply dismissed him and told him to “go home.” Sure, that was after Solomon had set some groundwork. Adonijah was going to have to behave to save his life. That was pretty light punishment – to do what Adonijah should have been doing in the first place.
The other part of that lesson was to avoid going against God’s will. I know from experience that there have been times in my life when I have ended up someplace very dark and far from the light of salvation. I’m not proud of that by any means, but it does give me a glimpse into the place I no longer want to be. The light is so much better. Brighter.
Do you look for ways to connect with God, to dig deeper into his plans for your life? Why or why not? Is it time to try a little harder to be quiet and listen for God’s voice to speak to your heart? One of the reasons I write this blog/book is to get my own self back into alignment with who God designed me to be. I don’t want to step out of his will for my life if I can help it. There are clues all around us. I just have to keep my eyes and heart open and ready to receive.
Is that what’s like for you? How do you handle making mistakes in your life. I personally like trying to avoid them by relying on God’s help.

Let’s pray …
Lord, cleanse my heart of the guilt and shame over things I have done that were not in alignment with the woman you made me to be. I am so grateful for how you have loved me through so many tough spots. May my life be a reflection of your grace and mercy. In Jesus’ name. Amen.