Leviticus 5:14-6:7 – Guilty!

Read Leviticus 5:14-6:7

My years as a paralegal taught me a couple things. People will claim they are “not guilty” or say, “it’s not my fault,” even when the opposite is completely true. Why do people want to avoid taking responsibility for their actions and blame other people? I think it’s part of the human condition.

This text dives into what the LORD prescribed for those “guilty” of sins against God, God’s commands, or harming other people. Not only are guilty supposed to present their own spotless ram, restitution and a penalty must be paid. These guilt offerings were serious business. Continue reading “Leviticus 5:14-6:7 – Guilty!”

Zephaniah 1:14-18 – This Day

Read Zephaniah 1:14-18

Zephaniah’s oracle now shifts focus to “all” people, not just rebellious Judah. Churches today have coupled this passage with New Testament passages speaking of the final judgment. You may even recognize some of these images have become the lyrics in hymns and worship songs.

This day will be a day of bitter tears, men crying out, all while the Lord’s anger is poured out on all people. It’s not a pleasant picture at all. Yet, it is destruction we can anticipate will happen when the Lord’s Day finally arrives. Will we see it in our lifetime? Only God knows.

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Jeremiah 6:16-30 – Path of Destruction

Read Jeremiah 6:16-30

wildfire engulfing tree

Jeremiah’s message from God in this reading continues to give clues for what is about to happen. It seems there are several dialogues going on. Likewise, there are multiple messages, one of which might be exactly what you need to hear today.

Let’s start with God’s command in verse 16, “Stop right where you are!” If this was God speaking to you, what would he see in your behavior? Are you walking in God’s ways or cutting your own road into new territory? Why do we always try to “recreate the wheel?” Why don’t we trust God more?

Continue reading “Jeremiah 6:16-30 – Path of Destruction”

Philippians 3:1-11 – Confidence

Read Philippians 3:1-11


My self-confidence as a child was next to nothing. I was always picked last for games at recess, and I was often teased for being plumper than the other girls. It didn’t matter that my parents were proud of me or that teachers liked me. I never felt like I was good enough. My first husband added to that insecurity with his abuse and harsh words. Paul’s words truly liberate me, even today.

We don’t have to stress out about our own abilities. It is in Christ we can have all the confidence we need. He will never let us down. Paul reminds his audience of his Jewish credentials, but still his humility shines through. He acknowledges even he was nothing without Christ. The same is true for us. Whether we are popular or not, our value lies in our connection to Jesus.

Continue reading “Philippians 3:1-11 – Confidence”

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