Leviticus 5:14-6:7 – Guilty!

Read Leviticus 5:14-6:7

My years as a paralegal taught me a couple things. People will claim they are “not guilty” or say, “it’s not my fault,” even when the opposite is completely true. Why do people want to avoid taking responsibility for their actions and blame other people? I think it’s part of the human condition.

This text dives into what the LORD prescribed for those “guilty” of sins against God, God’s commands, or harming other people. Not only are guilty supposed to present their own spotless ram, restitution and a penalty must be paid. These guilt offerings were serious business. Continue reading “Leviticus 5:14-6:7 – Guilty!”

Nehemiah 6:15-19 – It’s Done!

Read Nehemiah 6:15-19

The wall is completed. It only took fifty-two days. That’s not even two months! Granted, there were many people working on that huge project, but I’m amazed at the short duration of time it took. I don’t imagine there were any cranes or bulldozers around to help move away the debris. Construction sites would have looked a lot different back then.

One of my favorite lines in this reading is about what the enemy’s thought about this great feat. Nehemiah said, “They realized this work had been done with the help of our God.” I feel like going into my storage boxes to find my cheerleading pom poms! It’s always a victory when people who don’t belong to our family of believers (yet) recognize God’s hand at work and give him the credit. It doesn’t happen much these days.

Continue reading “Nehemiah 6:15-19 – It’s Done!”

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