Jeremiah 3:6-10 – Who Else Is Guilty?

Read Jeremiah 3:6-10

fancy wooden gavel and sound block

There might be some hidden gems in today’s reading, or at the very least a skillful use of human analogies. We see that Jeremiah is recalling a conversation with God and confirms it was during the reign of King Josiah. God was lamenting that both Israel and Judah had left him for other gods.

Did you find it interesting, too, that God used the word “adultery” to describe what Israel and Judah were doing? That’s just one of those “human analogies” used as a way of helping the people understand the significance of betrayal with a recognizable situation. There will be a price for this disloyalty.

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Jeremiah 2:23-37 – Harsh Yet True

Read Jeremiah 2:23-37
sparkler burning bright

Can you imagine the abuse Jeremiah would have taken for being the messenger of this recitation from God. This is not a popular message. Nobody likes to be spoken about in a negative light. Certainly, what Jeremiah said about God’s people was true. Sometimes the truth can be brutal.

What emotions stirred for you when you read this passage? Right off the bat, I felt a bit defensive for God. The persons he described had abandoned him and hurt him deeply. The words may be harsh, but we can’t say they aren’t true.

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Jeremiah 1:11-19 – Hearing God’s Voice

Read Jeremiah 1:11-19

girl listening to headphones

This appears to be Jeremiah’s first message from God, and what a doozy it is! For me, it’s one of those “double-take” moments. Did I really read what I thought I read? God just told Jeremiah that he (God) is going to raise up foreign powers to crush his beloved Israelites for their disobedience. What do you suppose Jeremiah did when he first heard that? The key take away is that God is in control and will orchestrate this destruction.

Just the mere experience of hearing God’s voice would be enough to bless my whole existence! Jeremiah received so much more! Today, we don’t hear many people talking about “conversations” they’ve had with God. I’m quite sure they are happening, however. I’ve always hoped to have the honor and privilege of being chosen in that way. And then it happened!

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Jeremiah 1:1-10 – Jeremiah’s Call

Read Jeremiah 1:1-10

cell phone screen with message "Opportunity calling" with accept or reject buttons

Jeremiah had an excuse for why he didn’t think he could speak for God. He thought he was too young. God didn’t think so. We’ve probably used excuses like Jeremiah to plea with God when we are being called to do something uncomfortable. Can you recall a time when you felt unprepared and wondered how God was going to use you?

As we walk through the book of Jeremiah together, it will be helpful to keep in mind that overall, Jeremiah’s message is one of hope set against the backdrop of political disaster and immense human suffering. This should be helpful for us today in finding hope in a world that seems a little out of control.

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Micah 7:14-20 – Who Is Like God?

Read Micah 7:14-20

hands cupped around a sun setting in the background

What a great conclusion to the book of Micah which began with a resounding declaration of doom for Judah and Israel! How fitting that Micah closes this book with what seems almost like a prayer or song reminding us of God’s grace.

Jesus called himself the good shepherd in John 10. Micah uses that image, and I can’t help but think of Jesus. A shepherd guides his sheep and protects their welfare. Even so, the world will see and be amazed at what the Lord will do for us. I long for the day when people will “cover their mouths in silent awe, deaf to everything around them.” Can you even imagine?

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