What a great conclusion to the book of Micah which began with a resounding declaration of doom for Judah and Israel! How fitting that Micah closes this book with what seems almost like a prayer or song reminding us of God’s grace.
Jesus called himself the good shepherd in John 10. Micah uses that image, and I can’t help but think of Jesus. A shepherd guides his sheep and protects their welfare. Even so, the world will see and be amazed at what the Lord will do for us. I long for the day when people will “cover their mouths in silent awe, deaf to everything around them.” Can you even imagine?
What does Micah tell us about what God will do? We can see it playing out so beautifully in Jesus. Our sins will be pardoned, and God’s anger will end because he loves us so much. As a parent, I know how furious I have been at my kids for one thing or another as they were growing up, but that anger doesn’t last. I love them too much. My anger was only for a “season” born out of my love and desire to protect them from harm.
Micah’s conclusion makes me think of Psalm 86:15 which says, “But you, O Lord, are a God of compassion and mercy, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love and faithfulness.”
Tommy Walker’s song “Only a God Like You” has some amazing lyrics. Sit with these words for just a bit today.
Only a God like you
Could be worthy of my praise
And all my hope and faith
To only a King of all kings
Do I bow my knee and sing
Give my everything
To only my Maker, my Father, my Savior
Redeemer, restorer, rebuilder, rewarder
To only a God like you, do I give my praise
We see the gospel message of forgiveness shining out brightly here in Micah’s words. We can celebrate in the inheritance we have as children of God. We can trust in God’s faithfulness. We might stumble, but God never will. His mercies endure forever. That’s the God I serve!
Let’s pray. Lord, thank you for how you love me. I know that there is nothing I can do to earn your love because you already love me. Forgive me for those times when I listen to the lies of man and question your authority. Give me patience to wait for you. Quiet my heart so that I can hear your voice. May I walk in your ways and help others do the same. In Jesus’ name. Amen.