Jeremiah 7:16-8:3 – Who is in Control?

Read Jeremiah 7:16-8:3

white horse bowing down

God chose Jeremiah to bring all these messages to the people in the temple where he knew they would be gathered. Yet God seems to doubt anything will change. “Tell them all this, but do not expect them to listen. Shout out your warnings, but do not expect them to respond.” Jeremiah was given fair warning about what sort of reception he’d receive.

From God’s lament here, it would appear the people “think” they are in control. After all, they can choose the way they live and pay attention to idols instead of God. We might fall into this same trap thinking we are “in control” of our lives. We, too, are able to make our own decisions in life. What happens when we make bad choices?

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Jeremiah 7:1-15 – How Many Chances?

Read Jeremiah 7:1-15

amazing grace

Were you surprised by the second chance God offers here (or maybe the umpteenth chance) to repent. It’s almost as if God is in denial because he does the same thing over and over expecting different results. Hoping for different results. God doesn’t want to give up on the possibility that his people will repent and do the right thing.

That’s a beautiful thing when you think of it. But like any loving parent, God often overlooks behaviors because of the intensity of his love. Do you think God still looks the other way, or is he still hoping we’ll do the right thing.

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Jeremiah 6:16-30 – Path of Destruction

Read Jeremiah 6:16-30

wildfire engulfing tree

Jeremiah’s message from God in this reading continues to give clues for what is about to happen. It seems there are several dialogues going on. Likewise, there are multiple messages, one of which might be exactly what you need to hear today.

Let’s start with God’s command in verse 16, “Stop right where you are!” If this was God speaking to you, what would he see in your behavior? Are you walking in God’s ways or cutting your own road into new territory? Why do we always try to “recreate the wheel?” Why don’t we trust God more?

Continue reading “Jeremiah 6:16-30 – Path of Destruction”

Jeremiah 6:1-15 – Stuck in Sin

Read Jeremiah 6:1-15

bug stuck in sticky solution

Do the people understand who they should really be fearing? It’s not the army from the north, it’s the LORD himself. They’re being told to “Run for your lives!” That sounds dire, like a message they should be listening to. But they are stuck. Stuck in sin.

These people are truly who the apostle Paul likes to describe as “slaves to sin.” It’s like they are captive to it and can’t break the chains. They aren’t even trying anymore to break the chains because it has become comfortable and “normal.” Romans 6:16 reads, “Don’t you realize that you become the slave of whatever you choose to obey? You can be a slave to sin, which leads to death, or you can choose to obey God, which leads to righteous living.”

Continue reading “Jeremiah 6:1-15 – Stuck in Sin”

Jeremiah 5:20-31 – Horrible & Shocking

Read Jeremiah 5:20-31

baby face showing a very surprised face with wide eyes and hand on cheek

What’s horrible and shocking? Is it what is going to happen to God’s people or what they’ve done to bring God to this place of fury? The latter according to our text when God calls it out in verses 30 and 31. Even the prophets and priests have turned blindly away.

The warnings to Judah in this reading are clear and specific. The people were so disillusioned by the messages of the world they had forgotten the majesty of God. Even today, many people need a wake-up call to remind them of how great our God is. I loved this line from our text. “Let us live in awe of the LORD our God.”  That was the mindset the LORD wanted from them and us!

Continue reading “Jeremiah 5:20-31 – Horrible & Shocking”

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