Ephesians 1:15-23 – Spiritually Wise

Read Ephesians 1:15-23

I just love this passage. First of all, the prayer is a prayer I have for each of you, and particularly for each of my children and grandchildren. In this fast-paced, crazy world, the importance of a relationship with God can often get overlooked. I’m as guilty as the next guy. There were times in my life when Sundays couldn’t come fast enough, and the time in between, well, was full of things that kept my eyes focused on other things. Now I see the importance of a relationship with God, and I certainly want spiritual wisdom to grow in my knowledge of God.

For years, I put off my quiet time instead of making it a priority. Now that I am making it a priority, my life feels so much more complete. I feel more confident, more focused, more peaceful. I started this routine before I was retired. I challenged myself to start journaling my reflections. I did that personally with God. He prompted me to share with others. He knew we could use this to reach busy folks. He longs for a relationship with you. Continue reading “Ephesians 1:15-23 – Spiritually Wise”

Luke 9:1-6 – Go!

Read Luke 9:1-6

This was quite a moment for the disciples. Jesus’ command required them to be bold, both in their witness and their faith.

When we get ready for a trip, or even a day’s outing, we prepare with packing, having enough money, maybe taking a jacket, snacks, etc. Can you imagine leaving the house for a mission with nothing?

The difference? Jesus’ power. When he called them together, it says he gave them power and authority. Their mission was to tell everyone about the kingdom of God and to  heal the sick. We’ve been given a similar mission, have we not?

So how are you doing in your mission for Jesus? How many people have you exposed to his loving promise this week? How are you helping to further the kingdom? God’s grace is for everyone, but not everyone knows that yet!

Maybe you need a little nudge. This will be a good reminder that you also have the power of God at your disposal. He is encouraging you and providing the guidance you’ll need. Our problem is us. We think we need to be Bible scholars, or have  some amazing conversion story. Am I right? Is that what’s holding you back?

What did the disciples have? Only the power of Jesus. We have that and more. We have our stories of how Jesus  has transformed our lives. A true “before and after”. In marketing, we talk about our life before the product, and of course how much better things are after using it. Not that Jesus is a “product”, but he is “everything” we need to live a transformed life.

Jesus gives the instruction to stay where you are welcomed. And should you not be welcomed – no worries! Jesus said, “And if a town refuses to welcome you, shake its dust from your feet as you leave to show that you have abandoned those people to their fate.”

In ministry, there were times, and I’m sure there will be more, when I have felt less than welcome in a community. I can remember one instance when I told our daughter, Sarah, “we just have to shake its dust from our feet!” In other words, walk away and forget, don’t dwell on it. Easier said than done.

You’ve probably heard the old saying, “You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink.” Sometimes I have adopted this into my own ministry and now business. While I know that Jesus is the way, and I’m looking for all sorts of ways to make that known, some folks just won’t get it. I’ve planted the seed. Maybe I’ll get the opportunity to water it. For sure, I’m praying for those to come along that will water it until it blooms.

Take a moment to thank God for the power he has given you.

Let’s pray. Father God, you have given me a task to spread the Good News to others. Please use this devotional and the testimony of my life to speak to others, creating a curiosity to know you. May my own walk with you only go deeper as I yearn to know you better and walk in your way for me. Help me not to let the nay-sayers or those who ignore me bother me.  I am trusting in you today to bring about a miracle. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


Luke 4:31-44 – Here We Go!

Read Luke 4:31-44

Have you ever witnessed a healing or a demonic possession? I haven’t either, in person. I have heard of them from many friends, and I recently saw a video of a little boy being healed of cerebral palsy in Puerto Rico. God’s power is alive and well.

Here we go, Jesus’ ministry was just beginning, and he was beginning to test the power he had inside that came from above. While Jesus was fully human, yet he was also fully divine.

After leaving Nazareth, he ended up in Capernaum, about a 9 hour hike (today by road). From the sounds of it, he spent some time there teaching weekly in the synagogue. “Once”, indicating it happened during this time or another time and place,  we hear of the demon possessed man being healed. Did you notice that the demon speaking knew Jesus was the Holy One of God? Yet, the demon taunted and was called out, never to bother that man again. To see that had to stir amazement and awe. It would for me. Continue reading “Luke 4:31-44 – Here We Go!”

Psalm 147 – Absolute Power

Read Psalm 147

My oh my. The power of God is absolute indeed! This psalmist is overflowing with praise. The word pictures used are exquisite and fresh.

What verse(s) spoke to you today? If you’re not sure, think about what you are going through right now (pain, struggle, happiness, success) and read this psalm again until you see yourself.

Do we see ourselves, maybe as one who fears God, as one with children blessed by God, or living in peace? The fact that God is interacting with us is truly reason to celebrate and sing praise.

I like the weather references, too. Snow like wool, hail being hurled like stones, and frost spread like ashes. What was striking is verse 15, He sends his orders to the world—how swiftly his word flies!” God is in control, and when he speaks the universe listens.

Lately I’ve heard people referring to “well life has thrown me some curves,” or “the universe will make it right.” These are just a few examples of common thought that rock me to the core. Have heard things like this, too? I just want to shake this people and say – NO! God is in control. God gets the credit for the good. Evil lives and seeks to hurt us, not God, not the universe or “life”. Evil is real. God is real. God is stronger and will prevail.

I think verse 11 is my favorite. No, the Lord’s delight is in those who fear him, those who put their hope in his unfailing love.” Isn’t this the key? We want to delight our Lord, and here is our “how to”. In this day and age, with the age of instant gratification and search for knowledge, people want to know how. Here you go – you what to know how to please God, fear him, put your hope in him.

Sometimes it’s hard to put our faith in things we cannot see. But God is God, and while we cannot see him, he is there. Can you see the wind? Yet you feel it on your face or blowing through your hair. It’s there, but you can’t see it. God is in the wind, in the rain, the snow, the hail. He created it, it is his as our we. As these things respond to God’s word, so, too, must we. Are you listening to God? How are you responding?

Let’s pray. Father God, I give you thanks and praise for all that you are and all that you have made me to be. Help me to step outside myself and open up my heart to let you in. I want to place all my trust and hope in you and not leave anything to chance or my own ability. I’m going to need your help to be true to this and not try to take back control. Cleanse me of me and my selfishness so that I can shine with your glory. In Jesus’ name. Amen.



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