Numbers 25:1-18 – Overly Protective

Read Numbers 25:1-18

Looking back at a very short relationship I had as a freshman in college, I can understand my parents being overly protective. I was being pursued by a young, very handsome man, from Iran. Not the most popular choice according to my parents. Two different cultures and so much more.

Today’s reading reveals another overly protective parent. Our loving Heavenly Father. Moab as a nation isn’t going to relent on its pursuit of Israel. The curse didn’t work, but they could entice God’s people away. That’s exactly what God was afraid of and what disappoints him the most. So many people died because of that anger. Continue reading “Numbers 25:1-18 – Overly Protective”

Ezekiel 25:1-17 – Watch Out!

Read Ezekiel 25:1-17

God’s actions against Judah were not a laughing matter but serious business. The Sovereign LORD does not move in any way by accident. These messages were for Ezekiel to share with foreign nations. How did they respond to the LORD’s actions? Continue reading “Ezekiel 25:1-17 – Watch Out!”

Jeremiah 48:1-47 – Why Does God Care About Moab?

Read Jeremiah 48:1-47

I hope you didn’t scroll right past the last verse. Almost like an afterthought, the author closes this prophecy with a trickle of hope. Because that was such a long and emotionally draining reading, I’d like to keep the focus on hope. There are plenty of very devastating things promised for the Moabites.

Clearly God was angered by the people of Moab. They ridiculed God’s precious Israelites, they were full of pride and arrogance, they offered sacrifices and burnt incense to other gods, and they boasted against the Lord. How can God forgive those acts of disrespect?

Continue reading “Jeremiah 48:1-47 – Why Does God Care About Moab?”

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