Ezekiel 25:1-17 – Watch Out!

Read Ezekiel 25:1-17

God’s actions against Judah were not a laughing matter but serious business. The Sovereign LORD does not move in any way by accident. These messages were for Ezekiel to share with foreign nations. How did they respond to the LORD’s actions? Continue reading “Ezekiel 25:1-17 – Watch Out!”

Ezekiel 21:18-32 – Two Routes

Read Ezekiel 21:18-32

Interesting that God allowed the King of Babylon the choice between Rabbah and Jerusalem. God intended doom on both rebellious nations of people! The Babylonian king simply chose Jerusalem, just as the prophets had been saying he would for years.

But we learn that the Ammonites would be doomed to a similar downfall as well. They had family ties to Israel, but they had chosen to be on adversarial terms much of the time. The LORD would be protective of Israel or at least controlling Israel’s destiny. Israel had made their choice to remain a rebellious nation, and the Ammonites continue to bring strife to Israel, even after the return of the exile before God finishes them off using Judas Maccabeus in the 2nd Century B.C. Continue reading “Ezekiel 21:18-32 – Two Routes”


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