Numbers 25:1-18 – Overly Protective

baby birds under the protective wing of the mother

Read Numbers 25:1-18

Looking back at a very short relationship I had as a freshman in college, I can understand my parents being overly protective. I was being pursued by a young, very handsome man, from Iran. Not the most popular choice according to my parents. Two different cultures and so much more.

Today’s reading reveals another overly protective parent. Our loving Heavenly Father. Moab as a nation isn’t going to relent on its pursuit of Israel. The curse didn’t work, but they could entice God’s people away. That’s exactly what God was afraid of and what disappoints him the most. So many people died because of that anger.

Our God does not want us to look away from him. We see in our text what happened when the Moabites distracted the Israelites by worshipping their god, Baal. God knew that his people would be weak. That’s why he was trying to protect them from the other pagan nations. That’s why God promised them a victorious conquest at the appropriate time.

The story of God’s people was just getting started at being written. These days before entering the Promised Land which had stretched to years. The Israelites had to be more than ready. So why would they walk away from God and worship a pagan, worthless god? Were they being rebellious or just plain stupid?

Like a rebellious teenager who thinks she knows best about who she spends time with, the Israelites seemed to take a more selfish route, too. I am thankful I had overly protective parents who reminded me, “gently” about what should have been obvious to me all along. When it was my idea, just weeks later, I realized some things are not meant to be.

The Israelites could not leave well enough alone. It was not “meant” that they “be” with people who would lead them astray from the one true God. Some of them (24,000 in this story) lost their lives because of that selfish motivation. God loved them, but his fury was unleashed. That’s the Heavenly Father we are glad is protecting us. He loves us, too.

Being in awe of God and his mighty power takes on a new meaning with this account. I feel bad for those Israelites that lost their way. I feel just as sorry for people today who have lost their way. It’s my prayer for those dear ones that God never stops pursuing them and that they will one day recognize God, giving Him their trust once again.

Don’t think of God’s crazy love for us as holding us back. He wants us to be who He created us to be so long as we are glorifying him and setting aside our own selfish desires. What God provides for us has no limit, so we will never feel in want. Did Psalm 23:1 just go through your head? “The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need.” Such a perfect God, our protector and overly protective parent.

colorful animation of prayer hands and hearts and flowersLet’s pray. Lord, thank you for being the shield of protection over me. I love the image of being beneath your wings as you keep the evil one away. I know that you have put people in my life that don’t know you. Help me not to shy away from my “enemies” but to be bold and genuine in displaying my own faith walk and love for You. Guide my steps and fill my mouth with your truth. May everything I say and do be honoring to you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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