1 Timothy 3:16-4:5 – Love a Good Mystery?

Read 1 Timothy 3:16-4:5

An open book on a table with a lamp light burning

The truth about Jesus is the best mystery of all. When you think of God visiting earth as a human, that’s quite an amazing feat. Of course, for God all things are possible, but we still puzzle about how it all happened and why. Believing in this truth is the basis for our faith. I love this part of the prose style “hymn” portion. “Christ was revealed in a human body and vindicated by the Spirit.” God was also human in that moment as Jesus in the flesh, and the Holy Spirit proved it so. The trinity is so magnificently intertwined here.

Our last two readings have focused on how leaders and deacons were to conduct themselves in building up the body of Christ. These verses tie it all together and involve everyone. Paul wanted Timothy to be prepared to lead all people and help them discern the truth while staying faithful.

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1 John 1:1-4 – God Incarnate

Read 1 John 1:1-4

Did you see Christmas in this text? My husband, David challenged me, so I’m challenging you. I was looking for a stable. But we need to look deeper. What exactly is Christmas? It’s not trees and lights. It’s God coming into the world, becoming flesh. God incarnate. Now I see it. John talks about having seen him, touched him. John walked with Jesus. John walked with God.

What do we learn about Jesus from these short verses? That he was present at creation and has existed from the beginning. Is that a new picture for you? It’s easy to imagine God at creation. I often refer to him as Creator. But Jesus was there, and the Holy Spirit was there hovering over the waters. (Genesis 1:1-2) The trinity were all present in creation.

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