Did you see Christmas in this text? My husband, David challenged me, so I’m challenging you. I was looking for a stable. But we need to look deeper. What exactly is Christmas? It’s not trees and lights. It’s God coming into the world, becoming flesh. God incarnate. Now I see it. John talks about having seen him, touched him. John walked with Jesus. John walked with God.
What do we learn about Jesus from these short verses? That he was present at creation and has existed from the beginning. Is that a new picture for you? It’s easy to imagine God at creation. I often refer to him as Creator. But Jesus was there, and the Holy Spirit was there hovering over the waters. (Genesis 1:1-2) The trinity were all present in creation.
As God incarnate, Jesus walked among the people. John also tells us Jesus is the Word of life. In the Gospel of John, we read “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind.” John is summarizing this here.
Jesus himself told us he is the way, the truth and the life. (John 14:6) There is no way to the Father except through faith in Jesus Christ. John testifies that Jesus is eternal life. Again, is this how you picture Jesus? It’s a powerful image, and it reminds us that Jesus, God incarnate, is our path to eternal life. When we are one with Jesus, eternal life will be ours.
These few verses seem clear enough, but the truth they reveal is more magnificent then the words themselves would indicate. Without Jesus, there is no eternal life. So it makes sense, then, that Jesus is eternal life. Eternity took on human form to be revealed and walk among us. Take a moment to let that sink in.
If you were to ask a number of people who Jesus was, what answers would you expect? He was a teacher, a prophet, a good person, the Son of God, etc. So then, what about Christianity? Is it simply belief in Jesus and his message of eternal life? Or is it that God chose to reveal himself to humanity in Jesus, his Son, and desires a relationship with us? John wants us to know that Jesus is real. He witnessed it.
The fellowship John talks of is to share something in common. We share our faith in Jesus with one another. Ultimately, this fellowship is with the Father and with His Son, Jesus Christ. When we surround ourselves with other believers, what happens? If you’re like me, you feel joy and peace. John said it, he shares these things with us so that our joy will be full, or “so that you may fully share our joy.”

Let’s pray. Lord, I am overflowing with joy at the thought of you in creation, moving among us, and now living within us. There is such a sweet peace that accompanies this joy. There are many trials and struggles around me, yet when I rest in you and your truth, my soul is refreshed and joyful. May my lips be open to share this good news so that others will be filled with joy as well. In Jesus’ name. Amen.