Numbers 11:31-35 – Quail At Last!

Read Numbers 11:31-35

They asked for it, and they got it–lots and lots of meat! Yet, when we remember how the people of Israel whined and complained about not having meat, we see that the quail sent by God wasn’t necessarily the blessing it could have been. God was angry with them for not being more grateful for what he was already providing for them.

Our society tends to fall prey to this same tendency. We always want more, including the next “shiny object” that catches our attention, and then we forget to say thank you. Why is that? We let our desire for more rob us of the gratitude we should be feeling for what God has provided. For the people of Israel, they longed for something they no longer had, something they had enjoyed while in bondage in Egypt. At least they had a good memory of that time. Continue reading “Numbers 11:31-35 – Quail At Last!”

Numbers 11:1-15 – How They Really Felt

Read Numbers 11:1-15

Do you ever hold back when you’re talking to God? Do you always let him know exactly how you feel, even if you moan and whine a bit? We see here how the people of Israel didn’t hold back. We just noted how agreeable they had been in obeying God when he told them it was time to move.

The ”honeymoon phase” of their captivity was coming to an end. In other words, the people’s patience was wearing thin, and tensions in the wilderness were in high gear. How did God respond? Continue reading “Numbers 11:1-15 – How They Really Felt”

Leviticus 23:1-44 – Festivals

Read Leviticus 23:1-44

God likes a party, having an intentional time to remember, surrender, and worship. Now we’re familiar with the holy days on Israel’s religious calendar. Elsewhere in Scripture we learn more about each of these festivals in terms of details not given here.

These feasts are rich in prophetic significance, and the LORD wanted his people to have them. The major theme we see is gratitude for all that God has given and continues to provide. When we celebrate Thanksgiving, our thankful hearts are but a glimmer of the state of mind of these festivals. Today there are no more sacrifices, we just offer ourselves before God. Continue reading “Leviticus 23:1-44 – Festivals”


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