Leviticus 23:1-44 – Festivals

Read Leviticus 23:1-44

God likes a party, having an intentional time to remember, surrender, and worship. Now we’re familiar with the holy days on Israel’s religious calendar. Elsewhere in Scripture we learn more about each of these festivals in terms of details not given here.

These feasts are rich in prophetic significance, and the LORD wanted his people to have them. The major theme we see is gratitude for all that God has given and continues to provide. When we celebrate Thanksgiving, our thankful hearts are but a glimmer of the state of mind of these festivals. Today there are no more sacrifices, we just offer ourselves before God. Continue reading “Leviticus 23:1-44 – Festivals”

Jeremiah 32:26-44 – Rise & Fall

Read Jeremiah 32:26-44

red rollercoaster

Rise and fall or is it fall and rise, the one that ends on a happier note with hope! Today’s reading covers the gamut in terms of what’s happening to the people of Israel. As I’m writing this, it’s Thanksgiving in the United States once again. I could have spent time reflecting only on the prediction of the fall, but on a day of giving thanks, it seemed appropriate to focus on both. Thankfully the Spirit prompted me accordingly!

How unbelievable and frightening it must have seemed to the people to hear Jeremiah’s words. That is assuming they were actually listening to the words of the LORD being spoken by Jeremiah. Their beloved Jerusalem was going to fall.

Continue reading “Jeremiah 32:26-44 – Rise & Fall”

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