Read Numbers 11:31-35
They asked for it, and they got it–lots and lots of meat! Yet, when we remember how the people of Israel whined and complained about not having meat, we see that the quail sent by God wasn’t necessarily the blessing it could have been. God was angry with them for not being more grateful for what he was already providing for them.
Our society tends to fall prey to this same tendency. We always want more, including the next “shiny object” that catches our attention, and then we forget to say thank you. Why is that? We let our desire for more rob us of the gratitude we should be feeling for what God has provided. For the people of Israel, they longed for something they no longer had, something they had enjoyed while in bondage in Egypt. At least they had a good memory of that time.
The story in this reading involves how God’s provision of quail was mishandled. Was the overindulgence based on a character flaw of gluttony or had the fear of scarcity played a role? Perhaps it was their immense love of this food, having missed it for so long.
The message Moses had been given was that there would be a month’s supply of this meat. With that message, there should have been no reason to stockpile and gorge themselves with quail. Did they really miss meat that much that they lost control?
Whatever happened, God wasn’t happy with their response to his provision. Sending the quail was God’s teachable moment. The people should have learned that God listens and responds, and also that God is angered when we complain and show little gratitude for his provision. Where was their gratitude even for this meat?
God’s fury burned, and a plague was sent as the consequence for their behavior. Those who lost their lives had mistreated the quail and forgotten to thank God. Is there a message in there for us today?
I, for one, know I can do a better job of thanking God for his provision. I especially fall short when it comes to thanking him for all the unseen battles he has fought for me. Don’t rush past this opportunity. Take pause and give God the honor and praise he is due for all the provisions in your life. Add to your gratitude journal, if you have one.
Let’s pray. Lord, how can I ever say thank you enough for all the blessings in my life. Forgive me for not being more grateful for each provision. I look around and amazed when I recall all that you have surrounded me with. You always know exactly what I need when I need it. Thank you for going before me and for giving me rest in you. Help me do a better job of relying on you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.