1 Kings 4:1-19 – What a System!

Read 1 Kings 4:1-19

two hands holding a yellow heart

Solomon is not going to be a lonely king. He has a lot of officials to help him with the tasks facing him as he moves the people of God forward in history. You may recognize some names from David’s regime. He is also surrounding himself with priests to give him Godly feedback and guidance.

I often wonder why the Bible is full of lists like this. Names representing individuals forever given remembrance. Beyond this mention, will we see these names again? Possibly. I’m just marveling at the extent to which Solomon is surrounding himself. As I understand it, he is also systematizing it a bit more than his father. We see a bit of the Egyptian influence he no doubt has gotten from his Egyptian wife.

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2 Samuel 17:1-14 – Here’s the Plan

Read 2 Samuel 17:1-14

two hands in the process of putting two puzzle pieces together

The contrast could not be clearer between the plans given to Absalom by his two advisors. The quick and simple plan of Ahithophel is probably the best plan for Absalom’s victory. While the plan outlined by David’s true ally, Hushai, over complicates the situation. Hushai is a master of double talk and makes the case for his own plan to be better than Ahithophel’s. Better for David to be sure.

Any time we find ourselves in the planning phase of any project, there are bound to be differences of opinions between leadership. How do you pick the best plan? Seeking guidance through prayer is my first go-to. But it hasn’t always been that way. For many years, I relied on my own ideas.

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1 Samuel 26:1-25 – Again?

Read 1 Samuel 26:1-25

Think of the restraint! David has opportunity again to take Saul out of the picture once and for all. And again, David lets Saul, God’s anointed king, live. This is a beautiful picture of trusting God, wouldn’t you agree?

David even had to control his man, Abishai, from taking this golden opportunity. It was a teachable moment to show Abishai the importance and respect that God’s anointed one should receive. Despite Saul’s evil intention to kill David, David gives mercy once more. David affirmed his trust in God, “Surely the LORD will strike Saul down someday, or he will die of old age or in battle.”

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1 Samuel 9:1-25 – God Assignment

Read 1 Samuel 9:1-25

little girl looking at the sky through binoculars

We’re all on a God assignment – to seek and serve the lost. The assignment we see today looks a lot more focused in on God’s agenda for the kingship. You’ll recall the people had rejected God’s rule for that of a human king, like their neighbors had. It appears God didn’t want to allow that job to fall to just “anybody.”

Meet Saul. The most handsome man in Israel. As we begin this reading, it isn’t completely clear why we are hearing about an influential man’s son being sent out to find some wayward donkeys. Looking back, we can see that God was orchestrating Saul’s meeting with Samuel. How do you think God may be at work in you at this moment?

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Judges 19:1-30 – Is This Really in the Bible?

Read Judges 19:1-30

An old manuscript (meant to look like the Bible), with clouds and sunset around it

I couldn’t believe what I read in this text. I thought about splitting up the chapter, but having read the whole thing today knew I wouldn’t want to put off writing about this for one minute.

I know there are texts that are awesome and amazing to write about. I’ve found them on my journey through the Bible with you. It doesn’t matter whether it’s Old Testament or New Testament, there are gems galore. This is not a gem today. In fact, this is the UGLIEST rock I’ve ever seen (if we stay with that analogy.) So what did you think of this?

Continue reading “Judges 19:1-30 – Is This Really in the Bible?”

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