We’re all on a God assignment – to seek and serve the lost. The assignment we see today looks a lot more focused in on God’s agenda for the kingship. You’ll recall the people had rejected God’s rule for that of a human king, like their neighbors had. It appears God didn’t want to allow that job to fall to just “anybody.”
Meet Saul. The most handsome man in Israel. As we begin this reading, it isn’t completely clear why we are hearing about an influential man’s son being sent out to find some wayward donkeys. Looking back, we can see that God was orchestrating Saul’s meeting with Samuel. How do you think God may be at work in you at this moment?
We learn some key things about what God saw in Saul. Besides being able to win a “hunk of the year” contest, Saul came from privilege. He was conscientious because he thought they should be getting home so that his father wouldn’t worry. (No cell phone to phone home.) Generosity could be assumed when Saul wanted to have a gift for the man of God. These are just a few examples. What else did you see in Saul?
Saul and his servant may not have found the lost donkeys, but they did find the man of God they were looking for. What do you think was going through Saul’s head when he first encountered Samuel? By this time, we know Samuel is an old man. Was Saul picturing a younger man? And what about the message Samuel gave Saul?
“Go up to the place of worship ahead of me. We will eat there together, and in the morning I’ll tell you what you want to know and send you on your way. And don’t worry about those donkeys that were lost three days ago, for they have been found. And I am here to tell you that you and your family are the focus of all Israel’s hopes.” Talk about beating the objection!
Saul must have been just a little confused. All he wanted was some “inside information” from God as to the whereabouts of their donkeys. Then BAM! He had a dinner invitation, was told he’d be spending the night, and, oh yeah, by the way, his donkeys are safe. All that before he had even mentioned why he was looking for the seer in the first place.
I love when God shows up and uses his faithful ones. When you are party to such a “God sighting,” as I have been known to call them, it’s a very profound and blessed moment. It’s hard to find the right words to describe such an encounter. Saul was having one of those moments, whether he realized it at first or not. Samuel knew.
Samuel knew that this was a very pivotal moment in the lives of the Israelite people. God had stepped down to help once again! If there was any feeling that God had left them stranded, this encounter with Saul and how it came about should wipe that away.
It seems Saul feels unworthy to receive so much honor “out of the blue.” God doesn’t make mistakes. Saul will learn that. We all need to learn that. How often have you faced a situation feeling, “I’m not worthy”? We often do feel weak and unprepared. But all we need to do is look at the heroes of faith and find encouragement. God didn’t leave them; he won’t leave us.
Take some time today to reflect on this “God-sighting.” Can you recall any of your own or that you have heard about recently that have really rocked your world?

Let’s pray …
Lord, I give you thanks for how you are working in my life, even when I don’t know it’s happening. May I always give you the credit you are due and not flaunt my own goodness. I look to you for direction in terms of my ministry here in Mexico and on online. I want to be faithful to you and your calling on my life. May I honor you in all I say and do this day. In Jesus’ name. Amen.