2 Corinthians 8:1-15 – The Gift of Giving

Read 2 Corinthians 8:1-15

Such a beautiful passage about giving. I know the church gets a bad rap at times from people who don’t understand the discipline of giving. I’ve heard people complain that all churches do is ask for money. I feel sad for those people who haven’t encountered Jesus in a way that has touched their heart to overflowing. Only then does giving seem like it is something we WANT do and not something we HAVE to do.

Paul’s words here are very helpful. When we see giving as a “privilege,” we are starting to understand. Paul starts out by using an example of the people in Macedonia. They must be going through some difficult times, yet they are giving way more than they can afford. They have the joy of the Lord overflowing, and this is resulting in their “rich” generosity. Paul says, “their first action was to give themselves to the Lord and to us, just as God wanted them to do.”

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Matthew 6:1-4 – How to Give

Read Matthew 6:1-4

We have arrived in another section of Jesus’ sermon on the mount. We have been focusing on how we should relate to other people, and this section will focus more our on our relationship with God. We know that when asked Jesus said the most important commandment is to love God with our whole heart, soul, and mind. Second to that is to love our neighbor. We must never forget what’s most important – to love God.

Jesus starts with a discussion on giving. This assumes that the hearers are already giving. It’s not a recipe for how much to give here, but the way we give. Jesus warns us to be careful and not be like the hypocrites. Apparently, when they give, they do so to be seen and get recognition for what they are giving. Their satisfaction must come not in the act of giving, but in the act of being seen as generous.

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Luke 6:37-42 – How We Treat Each Other

Read Luke 6:37-42

Jesus continues teaching in today’s reading. In Luke, this teaching is referred to as the “Sermon on the Plain.” Matthew’s gospel has a much longer version known as the “Sermon on the Mount.” They could very well be the same account. The teachings are certainly something everyone should hear, and  Jesus would have likely taught it more than once.

Luke is also known as the “social Gospel” because of his focus on the poor and needy. While that is more the focus of Luke, you can compare it with Matthew who looks more at the spiritual side of things. Continue reading “Luke 6:37-42 – How We Treat Each Other”


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