We have arrived in another section of Jesus’ sermon on the mount. We have been focusing on how we should relate to other people, and this section will focus more our on our relationship with God. We know that when asked Jesus said the most important commandment is to love God with our whole heart, soul, and mind. Second to that is to love our neighbor. We must never forget what’s most important – to love God.
Jesus starts with a discussion on giving. This assumes that the hearers are already giving. It’s not a recipe for how much to give here, but the way we give. Jesus warns us to be careful and not be like the hypocrites. Apparently, when they give, they do so to be seen and get recognition for what they are giving. Their satisfaction must come not in the act of giving, but in the act of being seen as generous.
Jesus wants us to give our gifts in private. It’s a way of worshiping God that is between us and God. God knows our heart and everything we do. There is no “secret” with God. Yet, he wants our giving to be secret from the world. For those that show off their wealth and their giving, they have received their reward–the attention they received.
This is not to be confused with doing good works so that God is glorified. We are called to do good but only when we do so to glorify God. When our motives are self-seeking, to get the recognition or the praise, we lose. God is not going to reward us for that. The world’s applause is all we’ll get for deeds such as those.
Think about this. Who would you rather please…God or a bunch of people you don’t know?
Paul sets out in 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 some of the rewards of giving. One of my favorites is how God will multiply what we give. We also need to remember that everything we have ultimately belongs to God. He has called us to be caregivers of what he has given us. Are we being good stewards with God’s money? We shouldn’t be so worried about how much we give, but how much of God’s money should we keep.
How generous are you? Are you giving quietly? Remember Jesus owns it all, and we are co-heirs with him. We, too, will inherit all that he has. In gratitude, we follow His steps and give with a generous heart. Remember your giving is an act of worship and a way of showing God how much you love and trust him.

Let’s pray. Lord, I thank you for your many blessings and for trusting me with your wealth. May I be a good steward. Cleanse me from any desire for self-recognition. It’s not about me. Multiply all that I give so that your work can be accomplished. Thank you for the gifts you have given me. Help me to use them to further your kingdom. In Jesus’ name. Amen.