Habakkuk 1:1-4 – Complaining to God

Read Habakkuk 1:1-4

Do you ever feel like God isn’t listening to you? It seems the prophet Habakkuk was experiencing that as we read his lament. I couldn’t help but think as I read Habakkuk’s words that I could be saying the same thing about what I see taking place in our time. Isn’t it something how the Bible is as relevant today as it ever was.

We don’t know much about the prophet Habakkuk, but we’ll see in his short book how concerned he was for his community. We’ll see how he handles his doubts and struggles, always remembering the sovereignty of God.

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2 Kings 21:19-26 – Corruption

Read 2 Kings 21:19-26

distorted picture of a girl with sunglasses

Amon’s reign didn’t last long. And, it’s not surprising that the son from Manasseh, the worst king ever, would also be evil. His own servants were even corrupt and brought Amon’s life to an early end. Then the people killed Amon’s assassins. What were they thinking and why? We’ll have to wait and see what Amon’s young son, Josiah does.

Knowing that God has predicted the fall of Judah to the hands of the Babylonians, I was expecting that it would happen during Amon’s evil reign. But it is still one of those things hanging over the heads of Judah’s leadership.

Continue reading “2 Kings 21:19-26 – Corruption”

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