Psalm 72 – The Perfect King

Read Psalm 72

This psalm is said to be of Solomon’s hand and points clearly to Jesus, the coming Messiah, the perfect King. Whether there is duality of meaning here, I am not certain. It could be Solomon’s wish for his own son, his own descendant who will one day be king. The references to “forever” and “end of time” and “all nations” would suggest reference to the King of Kings, pointing to our Messiah Jesus the Christ. Did you catch the hint to the “wise men” being prophesied here?

The attributes of the king described in this psalm are full of integrity and power. Not only are blessings asked for the king but for the people. This king will rule forever. We await his return, for that glorious day. We don’t know if we’ll experience that in our lifetime, we aren’t supposed to know. He will come like a “thief in the night” we are told. There are some days that I wish it would be sooner rather than later.  Do you ever wish to see Jesus’ return?

As we wait, we are to worship. What gold can we bring? Take a moment to think about the riches you have to bring to the feet of Jesus. He doesn’t need our “stuff”, but he does long for our devotion and our willingness to give it all to him.

We must do our part to keep the story alive and not keep the good news of Jesus to ourselves. We have been given a great inheritance, and it is not for us alone. “To the ends of the earth” involves a lot of people. Everyone deserves to hear about and know Jesus as their savior.

Let’s pray. Lord, help me to not lose sight of your eternal kingship, you are a mighty, all-knowing God. You are king of my life. Forgive me when I try to take and hold on to control. Forgive me when I don’t open my mouth and let your message come out. Forgive my selfish heart for wanting to take the easy road. Thank you for this new day and new opportunities. Help e to be watching for the openings you give. I pray for the day when the whole earth will be filled with your glory! In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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