Psalm 71 – You Are a Powerful God

Read Psalm 71

It is right that we should, at all times and in all places, give praise to God and proclaim his mighty power! This psalm is another good example we can follow to do just that. Every prayer we pray should start out with a proclamation to God affirming how great he is!

I am sure, as with most Bible passages, that this psalm will speak differently to each one of us, and this one may be dependent on your age. I would seem this psalmist brings his age into play, “being old and gray” in verse 18, for example. I don’t know about you, but I don’t feel old. Not one bit. My body may be telling me otherwise on certain days and with certain activities, but overall, I feel young, vibrant and on fire with the Holy Spirit living inside me. How about you? Are you feeling old and afraid of being abandoned or left behind?

No matter our age, we have all lived lives with many memories and experiences to look back on. Some of those may be painful, some entertaining, and others we see as true turning points. There are several verses here to convict us to action. Take a look at verses 15 and 16, I will tell everyone about your righteousness. All day long I will proclaim your saving power, though I am not skilled with words. I will praise your mighty deeds, O Sovereign Lord. I will tell everyone that you alone are just.” No matter our age or station in life, here it is. How evangelistic are you? We’re never too old to witness to God’s love and mercy for all. We must not keep this good news to ourselves.

It is often my prayer that others can see God working through me, or that God use me as his hands and feet.  I like how verse 7 states this thought, My life is an example to many, because you have been my strength and protection.” I want there to be no question of who my king is. I want to be transparent enough that Jesus shines through. Do you have this same desire?

Let’s pray. Father, you have done wonderful and mighty things, and you alone are Holy. May I sing your praises and bring glory to you in all I say and do. May my life be a reflection of you. Take away my selfish ambition and replace it with a heart of love for others. Provide for my needs and help us to move forward in powerful, God-honoring ways. May our new reality give us more and more opportunity to shine for you in this dark world. Take care of our family who are far from us, and may our boldness speak to their hearts. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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