Psalm 73 – Don’t Be Bitter

Read Psalm 73

A new section of the Psalms starts with this psalm! I can tell a difference in the writing style as it’s not one ascribed to David. It certainly celebrates the sovereignty of God.  Did you resonate with the lament of the psalmist about who those evil ones seem to prosper and have it all? It did for me. I have, like the psalmist, asked why it is that those who are far from God seem to have it all and no troubles befall them. I may even go so far to admit I have envied those people living the dream with nice cars, perfect lawns, designer clothes and no worry about how the bills are going to get paid. I agree with the psalmist!

Perhaps the key in all of this can be summed up with one little word, “seems”. It seems like those with everything really have everything. But things aren’t always what they seem. We are assured of our destiny in eternity, these ungodly folks are not. They have what they have now, but that will pass away. We have God in our lives caring for us and directing us. They do not. Look at verse 24. You guide me with your counsel, leading me to a glorious destiny.” Indeed! Those who have deserted God will perish.

That opens another concern for me. What about those loved ones that are far from God now? While I cannot know their hearts, only God knows that, I still pray that they return to the Lord before it’s too late. I struggle with wanting to help them find their way, but at the same time afraid of the devil’s stronghold and unsure of how to break their chains. I need to remember it’s not by my might that the chains are broken.

The psalm ends on a high note, You guide me with your counsel, leading me to a glorious destiny.” We have nothing to be bitter about. God has it all figured out, and we are destined to be with him. Forever. I would think that that is something to be jealous of, not the other way around. Those far from God may have treasure on earth in this life, but my treasure is with God in eternity.

Take a moment to truly let this truth fill you up and wash away any feeling of inadequacy, doubt, or envy.

Let’s pray. Lord, you are a mighty God worthy to be praised. Help me not feel envy toward those who don’t know you yet seem to have it all. Thank you for the wonderful destiny you have promised for me. Help me stay close to you and show my appreciation in all I say and do. Use me to bring those who are far from you back into your kingdom. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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