Psalm 74 – When God?

Read Psalm 74

The psalmist is looking for a response from God. He recalls the ruin of Jerusalem and defilement of a place where God was worshiped. The impatience in his tone is evident, and his frustration clear. Does God even care? Why isn’t God doing something to the enemy? We know our God is more than capable, and I’m guessing the psalmist does, too, yet the plea to take action rings out.

How true this is still today. Verse 10 resonated with me. How long, O God, will you allow our enemies to insult you? Will you let them dishonor your name forever?” In an earlier translation, the word insult was “mock”. We are so many years past the writing of this psalm, and yet it seems as if it should be the cry of our hearts still today. We see so many snubbing their nose at God, or worse. Don’t you find the apathy of the people appalling, or is it just me? I often think to myself, “what must God be thinking?” My heart breaks for God, breaks for the people who live in darkness and act in ways that dishonor our great Creator, Friend and Guide.

So what can we do? How do we fit in to this picture? Should I sit back content because I know my future is secure? I don’t think so, yet I feel powerless and unsure of how God will use me. I look forward to a clarity of purpose. We should all desire to be purpose filled followers, don’t you agree?

God, in all his infinite wisdom, has this in control. He isn’t humiliated one little bit. He will have the final say in all our destinies. His timing is perfect. We can hold on to that truth. We can cry out until we are blue in the face, but God will act when God acts. And it will be mighty.

Can you recall a time or situation when you had it all figured out and were merely asking for God’s blessing on “your” plan? How did that turn out? I’ve done it, plenty of times. What I’ve found is that God has it all worked out, and his plan for me has been so much better than anything I could have even dreamed of. Now I try to focus on asking for his will be done because that is the wisdom and outcome I truly desire.

Let’s pray.  Lord, may your name be lifted high and exalted among the nations! You are worthy to be praised! Thank you for this reminder of your majesty and greatness. Thank you that you have me in your hands. I pray for those who mock and insult you that they will see the truth and turn to you. Fill me with your wisdom and give me clarity to my purpose. I yearn for you and for you to work through me. Help me to get out of the way so that you can do your work. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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