One of my favorite Bible verses is in this psalm, verse 10. “Be still and know that I am God”. This verse is the inspiration for this devotional blog, the reason why I called it “Be Still”. We all need to take time in our daily lives to be still in the presence of God. If we don’t take time to listen, how will we ever hear God speak to us. I remember seeing this passage in a different Bible translation. It was “Be silent”.
I love how this psalm speaks loudly to the kingship of God, his power, and his greatness. All that majesty leads up beautifully to the “be still” verse. How much more powerful those words become when they follow words that evoke such awe. That’s why it is always good to read passages in context. We often pluck verses from here and there, and when we apply them the meaning may be lost and possibly even mistaken.
But in this case, stopping or pausing to be still or silent, is something we should all do. Often. To know God for who he is, in all situations and at all times, should be a daily discipline. (In this case, “discipline is a good thing.”) How good are you at being “still” each day?
So much peace can flow from that phrase, if you allow the truth and simplicity of it to just wash over you. Yes, be silent. Stop talking. Stop thinking of the tasks of the day. Know God as one who loves you, protects you, and controls the world and all that’s in it. Take a moment now to just flush your own thoughts and fill them with God thoughts.
Did you notice the surrounding text describes a God who is fierce, glorious, and protective? It starts with another favorite, “God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble.” I know I have relied on that truth many times. God is ALWAYS ready, not just sometimes, or if the weather is nice. He is always ready to help. He’s waiting, patiently.
So do you have a discipline of spending time with God? Think of discipline as the control we have over ourselves for good, like disciplining ourselves from overeating, or disciplining ourselves to be more active in our exercise routine. How much more important than those examples should it be for us to discipline ourselves for spiritual growth and spending time with our Creator and Friend. How good are you doing at being silent before your God? How can you do better at being still?
Let’s try it now. Set a timer for one minute. Here are some things to think about during your minute of being still. Think about how much God loved you when he sent Jesus to this earth. Think about the sacrifice Jesus made for you when he went to the cross and died. Think of the refuge of God. Think of the power of God that created this world and continues to work in every blooming plant, baby’s birth, and sunrise announcing a new day. Let this discipline be your “time out” to be with God!
Let’s pray. Lord, I’m sorry for my busyness. My relationship with you is taking a hit. Reel me back in. Help me take a time out and get refocused on you. You are my refuge and strength, ready to help me at all times. I have no fear! Thank you, God, for your goodness and patience with me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.