I love how this psalm opens and closes with the phrase, “Let all that I am praise the Lord!” Such a great example of being “all in” for God. “With my whole heart” would signify a pretty big deal. Are you giving your all? Are you praising God with everything you’ve got? If not, what’s holding you back?
Perhaps you have doubt or worry clouding your heart? Perhaps you are struggling with a lot of issues right now? Maybe you’re a new follower and are just getting acquainted with God. Take a moment to take account of how much you are giving to God. If you are in, 100% devoted, congratulations! This psalm will only affirm your devotion. However, if you are struggling in your relationship with God, take a look at verses 3 through 6. Let the truth of these verses wash over you. Say them out loud several times.
It is so important that we never lose sight of the wonderful things God has done for us. Equally so, remembering what he has done for those who have gone before us is also encouraging. It is sometimes hard to get over difficulties because Satan has constructed a smoke screen of sorts to keep our minds clouded. We begin to rely on our own power and trust our own abilities. Use this psalm to burst through this screen of lies.
In verse 7, our psalmist reminds us of the God who has revealed himself to Moses. Can you think of a time when God revealed himself to you? Maybe it happened while reading the Bible, or walking in nature, or on your knees in prayer.
Over the years, many have had God sightings and encounters. Perhaps you, too, have had such an event where you encountered God that will remain in your heart forever. Not everyone has the same story. We don’t all see a burning bush, so take a moment to reflect on your God own sighting(s). These can happen daily, from witnessing a sunset or a blooming flower, to watching the freedom of a butterfly flitting about the yard. Don’t make this complicated. You can find God anywhere. Everywhere.
Don’t wait for an encounter with God to believe in his power. Believe in the God who make encounters his business. Our God is not a hands off God. He may have given us the gift of choice, but he has also given us the promise to never leave us or abandon us. It is our restless hearts and wayward feet that move away from God, not the other way around.
Read through this psalm again, and this time, at the end, cry out, “I praise and thank you my God.”

Let’s pray. Lord you deserve every ounce and inch of my devotion. Forgive me when my mind is clouded with other things. Forgive me my sinfulness and cleanse me with your righteousness. Help me to reflect you in all I say and do. May the words of my mouth be only helpful and a blessing to others. Bring a new awareness to us as we read and reflect on you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.