Don’t you think this is a great psalm? I understand from the commentary that it is ascribed to David after his visit from Nathan confronting him with his sin with Bathsheba. He was busted! (You can find more about what happened between David and Bathsheba in 2 Samuel 11. But, David was also repentant. Did it take the confrontation with Nathan to awaken David to his sin? Had David’s conscience been troubling him for what he had done? Or was it only when Nathan brought his sin to light, very creatively, by the way, that David felt remorse?
How much is this like us? We go on sinning everyday, and many of those sins are not known to us. We are mindless perhaps, or at least in a bit of denial about our sinfulness, are we not? We should repent continually and not wait for the Nathans of our life to reveal what has tarnished us. We should cry, “Wash me clean from my guilt. Purify me from my sin.” Give me back my joy.
We do lose our joy when we separate from God. That is a truth we cannot deny. It is a gradual thing, perhaps, that is hard to measure or decipher. But our joy does diminish when we lose our focus on God and the mercy and grace he offers. Where do you fall on the “joy meter” right now?
It didn’t seem David was very joyful as he wrote this Psalm. Couldn’t you just feel his plea as if it were your own? He was truly heartsick for what he had done. He was not trying to avoid God’s judgment. Rather, he was seeking mercy. “Purify me from my sins, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.” The psalmist knew God’s power to cleanse us.
When we repent and turn from our sins, it’s still not over. Our sinful nature will only repeat itself. We need to ask for God’s help to keep us clean so that old habits won’t creep in with us unaware. Another favorite plea in this psalm for me is “Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a loyal spirit within me.” I remember a song with these lyrics. The melody know plays in my head. (Such a great way to memorize Scripture, by the way, make it a song!)
How can we make a difference? Think of a ministry or a group you have been involved with where you help others. Perhaps you’ve been part of a grief ministry, a visitation ministry, or a recovery ministry?
I have very fond memories of being involved for years in the recovery ministry, Celebrate Recovery. What an opportunity to serve God, cleanse myself of my sins, and help others to do the same, all while relying on the one who is in control to give us strength. Look around this week for an opportunity such as this — not only will you be helping others, you will be helping yourself walk closer with our God.

Let’s pray. Father, help me be who you want me to be. Cleanse me and create in me a clean heart. Draw me closer to you. Thank you that you desire me to be in relationship with you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.