I was a rebellious youth who tried to appear “squeaky clean”. Looking back, I was really two different people. I guess that was my way of testing the waters. What path did I want to take? While I was a bit of a wild child doing things I shouldn’t, I was also a youth leader at church whom everyone thought was pretty special. There was conflict inside. Yet, I was pulling off the charade nicely, in both directions. Who was I really?
My parents were always looking out for my best interests. But I somehow felt “controlled,” so it was hard to want to obey. In fact, my mother warned me about a boy I liked. I should have listened. I married him and spent the next 15 years of my life in fear. As an abused woman, I watched my children suffer, and I pled to God over and over to be forgiven and free. If only I had listened to mom.
That’s what this verse reminds me of. A time I didn’t listen to my parents and should have. There is a lot of wisdom here I wish I had been aware of when I was pushing the envelope all those years ago. When God did rescue me, I knew there was no turning back. I wanted nothing more than to please God in everything I did. I asked him to use me. Fast forward to today – I write to bring God glory. I am using the gifts he gave me.
So, this text really spoke to me, and I hope it can speak to other young people who may be stuck in their own rebellion. I remember when my kids were teenagers. They didn’t seem to like me much anymore. It’s a natural progression I think to make the empty nest situation easier on everyone. Children need their independence, and so do parents.
But no matter the age, we, as children, should always look up to and respect our parents. They have lived longer than we have, for one thing, and their counsel is usually helpful. Parents are naturally nurturing and protective. When we listen to them, we are being wise. We are taking on their knowledge as our own. The wisdom of God is also available to us when we ask. God is generous and gracious. Like a good parent, he doesn’t want to see us stumble. When we are faithful to him, and to studying his word, we are being wise.
How did this passage speak to you today?

Let’s pray … Lord, thank you for the wisdom you have shared with us in your word. I seek to be wise and make wise decisions. Show me how to help others do the same. Open the hearts of those around me to receive your wisdom as you speak through me. Guide my steps. Guard my mouth. Open my own mind to understand your truth as you reveal it to me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.