Wisdom has a bit of an attitude, don’t you think? And yet, she is wisdom. We shouldn’t question her or her motives. Was it helpful to see wisdom personified? I could almost hear wisdom saying, “I told you so.” Not that wisdom has that kind of a snarky tone to her message.
But wisdom does try to intervene and help us. There are all kinds of word pictures here to support that idea: wisdom shouts in the streets, in the public square, by the gate, etc. Wisdom even calls to us “so often” and reaches out. What happens? We ignore wisdom and try to do things our way.
You’d think we’d be more open to paying attention. Especially when you imagine that wisdom is what we need to be successful, make good decisions, stay out of trouble, etc. Wisdom wants to share and make us wise. Yet we ignore her. Why?
When we find ourselves in a pickle, it may be too late. These verses would suggest that wisdom isn’t coming to our rescue. In fact, she says she’ll “mock” us when disaster overtakes us. That’s a bit frightening. Another cliché would be, we “can’t have our cake and eat it, too.” In other words, we can’t ignore wisdom’s attempts to make us wise and then turn around when we’re desperate and expect results.
Take some time today to think about your circumstances. Are you struggling in any area of your life? Have you committed that to God or are you pursuing it on your own? Have you heard wisdom’s counsel and turned the other way? Or maybe all that’s needed is to start listening more intently for wisdom’s shouts!
I think the book of Proverbs is designed to draw us closer to God. There’s an interesting dialogue going on here to suggest a connection between one who accepts wisdom and one who fears God. There are so many nuggets of wisdom throughout this book that will help us be better judges of right and wrong. We may at times feel the words are meant solely for us. Other times, we’ll be affirmed in how we have let wisdom be in control.
Is it time to make amends with wisdom? I’d prefer to listen to wisdom for she says “all who listen to me will live in peace, untroubled by fear of harm.” That sounds like a much more enjoyable way to live. Making good choices is also something I always strive to do. I’m continually looking for God’s will in my life, so I don’t choke on my “own schemes.” Wisdom is God’s gift to us.

Let’s pray … Lord, I know there have been plenty of times when I have scoffed at the wisdom you have provided for me. Please forgive me for those times of feeling full of myself and the power of the world. Help me to be still and listen for your voice over all the noise. Give me clarity to know the path you have for me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.