Psalm 68 – Power of God

Read Psalm 68

There are so many nuggets in this psalm. The first time I read through it I couldn’t really grasp what the psalmist was trying to relate to us, it seemed like a lot of unconnected ideas, remembrances, praise reports and cries for help.  After I read it through again, it was obvious then that the theme is God’s power. God is powerful and his victories past, present and future are intertwined here, together with a cry of expectation at the mighty works of God and grateful praise in response.

Verse 19-20 really points to Jesus, didn’t you think so? Praise the Lord; praise God our savior! For each day he carries us in his arms.
Our God is a God who saves! The Sovereign Lord rescues us from death.” As I write this, it’s Good Friday.  I wrestled with deviating from the psalm study for this Holy Weekend, but decided against it because these posts can be read at any time, and I didn’t want to narrow the focus that much.  However, smack dab in the middle of this psalm are two beautiful verses that really shine out as the truth we encounter because of the cross, because of the empty tomb.

Another beautiful promise is verse 28, “[s]ummon your might, O GodDisplay your power, O God, as you have in the past.” This same power of God that rose Jesus from the grave, that rescued his people from the hands of their enemies, who created the heavens and the earth, that power, is ours. We can claim it, rely on it, and trust God in all things.

Why do we have such selfish ambitions then?  Why are we so inwardly focused much of the time? It’s not “all about us”. That’s how toddlers think and act. The world revolves around them, or so they think. We need to be better than that. We need to be more focused on the gifts God has given us and using them. We need to be more thankful for the provision given to us. Finally, we need to rely on God’s power to protect and lead us.

Take a moment to reflect on the sacrifice God has made for you.

Let’s pray. Heavenly Father you are mighty and great. This world is so full of chaos and evil. It’s frightening. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed with the tasks at hand. Help me remember I am not alone. You are holding me, waiting patiently for me to understand. Forgive me for foraging ahead on my own power when your power is perfect. Help me in telling others of this great power. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Psalm 67 – Go!

Read Psalm 67

What a delightful short psalm. This is one we can read over several times.  The psalmist was obviously very upbeat and on his game, so to speak. It is during those times, when things are going well, that it is easy to praise God. The psalmist even steps out of his own circle and encourages the nations to praise God.

As it should be, all nations should know God, and every knee should bow before the throne. That doesn’t happen automatically, and we have been commissioned as God’s ambassadors to tell all the world of his saving love, his grace and mercy, that Jesus died for all. So this psalm is a bit of prophecy to the great commission, and Jesus has put the challenge before us. We, as his followers, must proclaim to the ends of the earth what God has done.

It can be hard, even frightening, in this day and age, as in Biblical times, to proclaim the saving grace of Jesus. We often keep this good news to ourselves. It’s the tragic reality, but why is it so? We are doing the exact opposite of what Jesus commanded us to do. Do we even feel guilty? Ponder this a moment, and think of the last time you shared the good news with someone.  I’d love to hear some testimonies  in the COMMENTS below.

I stand in awe of people who can boldly share their faith. There is a gentlemen in our church who is on fire for Jesus. He is inspiring. I want to be like him. I know in my heart that God is always with us, and it is our duty to be bold witnesses, I need to remember it’s just sharing my story. All I need to do is tell others how God has changed my life, period. I don’t need to be a Bible scholar, I certainly don’t need to know all the answers (who does anyway?). I just need to share about my transformation, my relationship. Easy peasy.

I find it easier to live my life in a way that reflects God’s goodness and the joy of having Jesus as my friend and redeemer. But that’s not enough. My husband’s sermon a couple weeks back spoke to this very think. Share. Simple. Tell my story. God can use even little old me to make a difference for the kingdom. He will use you, too. We’ve got to get busy – there are many nations who have yet to hear. Even our neighbors need to hear our story, God’s story.

Read the psalm again. How is it speaking to you?

Let’s pray. Lord, thank you for this new day. Your message today is to focus on you and what a great God you are. We have been called to share, and I pray for a greater boldness to be a better witness. I pray for the openings with others to tell my story. I pray for the words and confidence. Show me who is ready to hear a word from you.  In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Psalm 66 – Bless God

Read Psalm 66

What great praise and thanksgiving to God! I love how it truly focuses on that which is most important — God! It’s a cry for all of us to follow suit and worship, sing praise, bless the Lord.

I love verse 9, what comfort, “[o]ur lives are in his hands, and he keeps our feet from stumbling.” We stumble plenty, don’t we, when we do it “our way.” But to rely on God and let him control, we can walk with assurance. Just today I had a situation that was frustrating me, that I thought “I needed to fix,” and it was frustrating me that I couldn’t. Even my physical body started feeling the ill effects of a lack of control. The good news is when I let go and trusted God, a peace began to take over, and I was able to breathe again.

What did you think about the part referring to burnt offerings? It’s not a practice we are accustomed to seeing in our day. Jesus was our sacrificial lamb, and it is by his blood that we are redeemed. As I write this we are in the middle of Holy Week. I have been wished “Feliz Semana Santa” several times this week. At first I was a little confused, but Holy Week is a big deal in Mexico! Before retirement, being in ministry, Holy Week was a hectic, busy, stressful week. I remember wishing I was just a “normal” person that could walk with Jesus “calmly” from the hurrah of Palm Sunday, through the Last Supper, his despair in the garden, his torture, and finally his gruesome death. I wanted the Easter morning joy of our resurrected King to be as glorious as it could be. This year I am “normal.”

How do you feel when you think of what Jesus did for you? We can now confess our sins and they are gone! Take time this week to really focus on this. Jesus was man, too, and he really struggled with what was to come.  Jesus was God and knew it was what had to happen.

What better reminder to always be praising. Our lives should be a constant act of worship. In all that we do, we should be mindful of the God we serve, the God who loves us.

Let’s pray.  Lord, thank you for this new day. There are tasks to be done, help me to do them to your glory, praising you that I have tasks and that in your strength I will accomplish them. Keep my heart singing and praising you. Help me never forget what you have done for me.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Psalm 65 – Thanksgiving

Read Psalm 65

Wouldn’t this be a good psalm to meditate at Thanksgiving time? My study notes call it the “harvest psalm”, and I believe it. Most of my life I lived in Iowa, a great farming hub, and I remember years of great bounty and years of drought. As you read through the psalm give thanks for God’s power in your life, it has no limit!

Can you even conceive of the power of God?  I don’t think we can. We simply must stand in awe of a power greater than we can comprehend. Let the verses of this psalm help you to focus.  Notice all the “You” statements attributing greatness to  God.  For as much as God formed everything by his power and cares for it, we need to cling to that assurance that he is caring for us, too.

We often go off into our own little worlds, oblivious to others, let alone this mighty God who is so capable and ready to guard and guide us. When will we learn? When will we truly let go and let God? Maybe you’re not as much of a control freak as me?!

The last line of the psalm, referring to the wilderness, the valleys, the sheep, the hillsides, etc., “[t]hey all shout and sing for joy.” Do we do that? When is the last time you gave a shout for joy? Have you felt joy recently?

One great way to experience joy is to be more in tune with our creator, trusting more in the power that is available. When we focus on all that God has done for us, and continues to do, the bubbling of joy from deep within can’t help but start rising to the surface. Work on being in awe of God’s power working in and through you today. Don’t take for granted the saving grace that has been given to you.

Let’s pray.  Lord, thank you for all of the blessings you provide and how you care for your creation. Forgive me for taking your blessings for granted. I want to live in your will and be mindful of your plan for me. I trust that when I sense joy it is you. When my heart sings, it is because you are there. Continue to soften hearts to be ready for your love.  In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Psalm 64 – Being Attacked

Read Psalm 64

The psalmist is feeling attacked. There is much focus on those that are plotting and doing evil. Sad to say there are many in this world that are doing just that. Every day around the world we hear of terrorists and oppression. Evil. Plain and simple. Some would say our society/world is in a downward spiral. People are weak and open targets for Satan to take the stronghold.  Many victims of Satan’s control are totally innocent bystanders oblivious of the devil’s schemes.

We might say, what is our world coming to? People are out of control doing hurtful things to others without seeing, or without caring what the damage and/or stupidity of their actions can cause. Have you had a struggle in your life with someone or a group of someones that have really targeted you with their evil plots like the psalmist? Have you ever feared for your life? Have you believed that someone was out to get you, to cause you harm or destruction?

I have over the years in ministry felt that for sure. Maybe not the death part, but there were times of stress that I feared for my husband’s health and well-being. It’s times like those where, like the psalmist, we must turn to God. I pray for unity.  I pray for protection.  Most of all I pray for my attackers.

As the psalmist had assurance, I, too, am ready to witness the mighty acts of God.  God has our backs and does not leave the faithful alone to fend for themselves.  It may feel like we’ve been abandoned, but that is again the evil one telling us lies.

I love how this psalm ends, “[t]he godly will rejoice in the Lord and find shelter in him. And those who do what is right will praise him.” Indeed, our Lord is worthy to be praised, and it is our joy to praise him in good times and bad.  He never leaves our side, we are just often blinded by the wiles of the evil one. Stand firm. Trust God. He’s for us! If you need a little more encouragement today, read Romans 8:31-39.

Let’s pray. Thank you for protecting me and giving me the opportunities to serve you. I pray for strength in the days ahead. I am grateful for the peace I feel when I imagine you standing beside me, holding my hand. I know with your power I can get it done. Help me stay focused on your promise, that my help comes from the Lord! In Jesus’ name. Amen.


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